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"I honestly don't know what happened. One day they're best friends, the next day Calum gets super pissed when I mention his name. It's like Michael is Satan all of the sudden." I don't pay much attention to what Hayley is saying, because I know why everyone is pissed at Michael. But I can't tell her, because then she'd know something is going on between me and Luke. Although she's already suspicious because of the marks on my neck. I told her I just had an allergic reaction, but I know she doesn't believe me.

Luke told me that him and the other guys have told Michael that he is very close to being removed from their "business", whatever that is. Luke gets mad when I ask about it.

"You want some more ice cream? I'm n-not gonna finish mine." I mumble to Hayley and switch out her empty cup for my halfway full cup. She thanks me and keeps on rambling. After a few minutes she calms down and change the subject.

"Hey, wait here. I gotta go talk to that girl over there." Hayley looks angry (jealous angry) and goes over to the black haired beautiful girl standing in the center of the mall walkway talking to another girl. I roll my eyes and laugh to myself.

"Something funny, beautiful?" I snap my head up and see a face of someone I don't necessarily want to see. I shrug and look down at the empty ice cream cup.

"Oh come on. Don't ignore me, Annie." He chuckles in a low, frightening tone. I shudder as he lays an arm around me and my shoulders.

"Why don't you walk with me." He starts to walk forward but I stop.

"I h-have to wait f-for Hayley." I mutter and look away from him.

"No, no. It's okay, I already talked to her about this. She knows." I furrow my eyebrows. Hayley wouldn't let me go off with him, she knows I would be too afraid. Instead of saying anything I just nod and walk beside him. His arm sneaks around my waist and I grow very uncomfortable.

We walk for quite a while, and end up out in the parking lot. We stand in from of a blue car, I'm assuming is Michael's. He has me leaning up against it, his hands on either side of me, trapping me. I want to cry, I want to be anywhere but here.

"You're so beautiful, Annie." He lifts a hand up and strokes my cheek. I squeeze my eyes shut tight. I feel breath on my neck, right below my ear. I whimper, feeling as if I could cry and any moment. I gasp and try to push him away as I feel his lips attach onto my neck and begin to suck and bite, the way that Luke did. His didn't feel like Luke's. He made me uncomfortable, while Luke made me feel amazing. I push as hard as I can, but I can't get him to stop. After a few minutes Michael pulls back and smirks.

"Ahh.. Beautiful.." I resist the urge to scream and cry. I look to the ground in shame. I almost leap for joy when hear a familiar voice shout.

"Annie?? Hey get away from her!" Hayley runs over and pushes Michael away. He doesn't resist, just smirks watching us as we walk away from him.

"I've been looking all over for you! Are you okay?" I nod in response, fearing that I might cry if I spoke. Hayley could tell, and she didn't press into it. She pulls me into a quick hug, then we keep walking back into the mall.

"Calum and the guys want to meet for lunch. I think they might be there already." I reply with a simple okay, and follow her to the Chick-fil-a, where I see the three tatted men sitting off in the corner. Luke smiles at me, but as I get closer he frowns. When we sit down by them, he growls and snaps in a low tone.

"Who did that?" I can't speak, but Hayley answers him.

"She claims she had an allergic reaction." Hayley rolls her eyes and Luke shouts a "no".

"Not those, I fucking did that." Hayley widens her eyes while the other two wince. "Who did that?!" He points at the newly forming mark under my ear. It gets harder to keep myself from crying. Hayley sucks in a breath and shakes her head.

"I didn't know he touched you, Annie. Oh god, I never should've left you alone." Luke slams his hands down on the table.

"Fucking tell me who did that." I jump and a sob manages to make its way out of my throat.

"M-Michael!" I start to shake, and Luke stands up and storms off, but Ashton jumps up and goes after him. He stops him and says something I can't hear, while pointing back at me.

Luke throws his head back, and walks back to the table. He tells Hayley to get up and he takes her spot in the booth next to me. She moves and sits by Calum and Ashton. Luke lays his arm across my shoulders and I feel myself unconsciously leaning into him, tears falling from my eyes.

"I'm sorry, princess." He mumbles into my ear, then presses a kiss on the top of my head. The guys and Hayley start to eat, but Luke and I sit in the booth, him holding me, without talking.

When the others finish eating, Luke makes light conversation with them, still keeping me in his arms. After about an hour we all get up and throw everything away. I don't pay much attention to the conversation, I just keep a death grip on Luke's hand. Luke turns and looks into my eyes.

"Baby girl, I need you to do something for me. " I tilt my head and nod slightly, motioning for him to continue. "Go with Hayley. Go stay at her house for a little bit. I need to go take care of a couple things, but I want to see you after.

"O-Okay.." I smile up at him and he leans down and gives me a kiss on my forehead. He pulls me away from the others and leans closer to my ear.

"Be a good girl for daddy, okay?" His voice is low and raspy, almost at a growl.

"Y-Yes sir." He gums in response, clearly liking my choice of reply. He turns to walk back to the others but I stop him.

"Daddy?" I nervously whisper the name, and he turns around with wide eyes.

"Yes, baby girl?" I know where he's going, and what he plans on doing. I have one simple request.

"Don't hurt Michael too bad."


love you all

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