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"Princess, I really don't want to." Luke groans and puts his hands up. 

"Pleeeeaase!" I push out my bottom lip into a pout and bat my eyelashes up at him. He sighs and drops his hands.

"What do I need to do?" I squeal and jump up and down. 

"Yay! Okay, o-okay." I scrunch up my face for a moment while thinking. I point to my wall.

"Go stand in front of that wall." Luke glares a me slightly so I add a quick "please" at the end. He slowly walks over and stands facing me. 

"Great! Now... stick out your t-tongue. Like this." I stick my tongue out in a silly way and Luke shakes his head. 

"No way. That's so childish." I sigh and set my camera down on my dresser. 

"Never mind.. I d-don't need any pictures, Luke." I walk over and lay down on my bed. Luke groans and joins me on the bed. 

"Baby? Don't be sad." Luke puts his hand on my cheek moving my head to where I'm facing his. 

"I'm not s-sad." He scoffs slightly and puts on a small smile. 

"Yeah you are." He reaches down and grabs my hips gently.

"C'mere." He pulls me over on top of him to where I am straddling him. He connects our lips, surprising me, then I hear a click. I pull back and he smiles at me. 

"There you go, Princess." The polaroid prints out and he hands it to me. I happily shake it, waiting impatiently to see the picture. He chuckles as he watched my face light up as I begin to see the picture develop. 

"It l-looks so good!" I stare down at the picture of me and Luke kissing. He places a quick kiss on my cheek, and grabs my hips again. 

"I gotta go, little girl." I pout, upset that he's leaving me. He sighs when he sees my sad face. 

"Annie, don't do that.. You know I don't want to leave you, but I have to." I scrunch up my face and look away. He sighs again and grips my jaw, forcing me to look at him. 

"Annie, don't." His voice gets deep, and his eyes glare at me. I roll my eyes, aggravated at him. His eyes go dark, and his grip on my jaw tightens, I could almost feel it bruising.

I start to regret letting myself get an attitude. My heart begins to race, and I try to move away from him. His other hand wraps around my waist, scaring me even more. I panic and thrash around, struggling to get away. He growls and flips us over to where he is on top of me. 

"You need to drop that attitude, Annie." I feel a sudden boost in fear, creating a sudden boost in confidence. 

"You n-need to shut up." I push myself away from him, finally getting out of his grip and off the bed. I attempt to run out of my room, but two hands grab my hips and roughly throw my body against the wall. My front is pressed up against it, a hard body behind me, holding my hands above my head. 

"I don't have time for this, Annie. You better be ready for your punishment when I get back." He pushes himself back and walks out of my room. I pause for a second to catch my breath, then follow him downstairs.

Ashton is waiting at the bottom, watching television. He smiles when he sees us, but he quickly notices my red jaw and turns to Luke. 

"What the hell, Luke. What did you do?" Ashton snaps at Luke and gets up off the couch, coming closer to me to examine my jaw. As he reaches up to touch it, Luke's hand snaps out to grab his wrist. 

"Don't touch her." Ashton rolls his eyes and rips his hand out of Luke's grip. "And it's her own fault, she should know better than to disrespect me."

"Just control yourself, man. Don't hurt the poor thing." Ashton looks at me with soft eyes, and my face heats up. Luke groans and pushes past me. 

"Don't tell me how to treat my girl, Ashton. She's mine, I do what I want with her." I furrow my brows at this, and he leaves without a goodbye. 

"She's not a toy." Ashton mutters under his breath, just barely loud enough for me to hear. I awkwardly stand, looking at the ground in shame. Ashton sighs and gently grabs my arm. 

"Wanna sit down?" He motions to the couch and I nod my head. We walk over and sit down close to each other. I lean my head on his shoulder and he runs his fingers through my hair. 

"I'm sorry, Annie. I wish he wasn't like that with you." I shrug, not knowing how to respond.

"He needs to realize that you're not like the girls he used to pick up at the club. You're.. You're young.. Small and fragile. You should be treated like a true princess. He treats you like a princess one moment, and a slave the next. It's not right." I move my head and look up at him. My eyes are watering, but I try to keep myself from crying. He's so distracted with his rant that he doesn't notice me staring up at him. 

"He thinks that it's all about him, and what he wants. He wants respect, yet he doesn't give you any." I stare at his lips as they move. They're different than Luke's. They're smoother, and pinker. They look soft, like they would feel light and airy against my skin. What would they feel like against my own? 

"You deserve better, Annie. I think he can give you more, he just doesn't care. I ca-" Without thinking I lean in closer and press my lips against Ashton's, cutting him off mid sentence. He's taken by surprise, and stays still for a moment. A few seconds pass and I feel his lips move, molding ours together. I hear him groan and gently grab my hips and move my body onto his lap, straddling him. I shyly place my hands on his chest, feeling his hands rest on my hips, slightly touching my bottom.

His lips feel different than Luke's. His kisses are softer, like he's worried about breaking me. You would think I would feel weird kissing Ashton, after all he is even older than Luke. But instead I feel warm and happy. We stay like this for a minute or so, when Ashton suddenly pushes me back. 

"Shit." He mutters. "Holy shit. Oh fuck no. Fuck!" He moves me off of his lap and stands up. He paces around the room, stringing along curse word after curse word, causing me to cringe. 

"D-Did I do something wrong?" I bring my knees up to my chest, my eyes watering again. He looks at me with a sad expression and shakes his head. He walks over and sits beside me. 

"No, angel. You're okay. Just... Luke can never know about this. Do you understand, little one?" I nod my head and reply to him in the way Luke would want, not knowing the affect it would have on Ashton. 

"Yes sir."

of course you did something wrong, idiot.

ashton is too precious i love him omf. i wanna be his friend.

comment!! i love reading them!!

love you all

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