Ben and Jack

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"Stay quiet."

I hear a door open, and footsteps getting louder as someone enters the room.

"I didn't think you actually trusted me enough to come." Ashton's voice is calm, unlike mine would be if I were in his position.

"And I didn't think you were actually going to come through. I guess we are both surprised." More footsteps coming towards Hayley and I. The voice is deep, almost like Luke's when he's angry.

"Why would you come, if you didn't think I was being honest about my intentions?"

"Even if this were to be a trap, I'm pretty confident in my men's abilities. I'm not too scared of you, or your friends." So there's other people with him, he came prepared.

"Which is Luke's?" There's silence for a moment, I suppose Ashton points at me. I flinch when a hand runs through my hair. Hot breath hits my ear as he whispers.

"I have special plans for you, dear." I shudder in the chair, silently begging for Luke and Calum to hurry up and come back.

"What are your plans? Are they going to be hurt?"

"Why would you care, Irwin? You're handing them over to me, clearly you don't care about their wellbeing." He doesn't reply, and I start to worry more about the outcome of this. I have no idea how many of MT's men are here, or when Luke and Calum are supposed to come in.

"Are you going to help with this? I need them back to the apartment. Then we can plan out the details of using them. I'm thinking we get rid of Calum's, I don't know how much help she'll be. She might just be baggage. I think taking Luke's is enough. He's pretty forceful and will bring Calum and his other men along with him." He talks about us as if we are possessions, not people.

"What do you want to do with her?" A new voice speaks up.

"Probably just drop her off somewhere on the way. Maybe we can get ahold of a buyer in the next little bit." Hayley squeaks beside me, I know she's crying.

"Jordan, get that one. I want to take this one." A hand brushes my cheek, causing me to hold my breath. "This one's mine."

"No she's fucking not." My ears ring as loud shots fire through the air. Grunts and curses from different sides of the room confuse me. I desperately try to get off the chair, or get the blindfold off of me so I can see what's happening. I move my mouth, trying to wet the ducktape and get it off. When I'm finally successful I turn my attention to the girl beside me.

"H-Hayley?" I shout over the noise, a loud sob beside me helps me know she's still there. "Hayley, are y-you okay?" My eyes water, I try to blink them away and focus on the situation at hand. After a moment, I hear her voice sound out.

"What's happening?" Her voice is quiet, she doesn't want to draw attention to her in the chaos around us.

"Fuck!" A loud thump sounds out beside me, something touches my foot and stays there. I kick it off frantically, not wanting to know what it is.

"Get the fuck out from behind there, Hemmings." I recognize the voice as MT's. "I swear, I'll shoot your precious doll." I freeze, swallowing the lump in my throat.

Silence takes over the room. My eyes are blinded by a bright light when my blindfold is ripped off without warning. As my eyes adjust I take in my surrounding. I whimper when I notice the lifeless body of an unfamiliar man laying on the floor beside me, his arm had been what I felt moment's before. Calum stands in the corner, with Hayley standing behind him, angrily glaring at MT. I flinch when I feel something press against my temple.

"Go ahead, doll. Tell Luke to come out here." I widen my eyes, staring at Hayley, who holds a terrified expression.

"Say it." I cry out, my hair being yanked back by the man behind whose face I have yet to see.

"L-Luke, please." My voice is barely above a whisper, I look over to where Luke is supposedly hiding. MT gets frustrated and slowly makes his way to the doorway. As he does, I look around the room trying to think of a way to get out of this situation. My breath hitches when I see Luke coming out of the kitchen doorway, and moving towards MT who has his back to us. Luke makes it to his back, and presses the gun against him aggressively.

"Drop the fucking gun." MT stops moving but doesn't drop it. Luke presses the gun further into his back and growls at him to drop it again. This time the gun hits the floor, and Luke kicks it over to Calum who quickly picks it up and aims at MT.

"Where's Ashton?" Luke asks Calum while moving MT over to the chair Hayley was once in. Calum shrugs and starts to tie him up, while Luke moves over to untie me. I avoid his eyes, angry and hurt that he put me in danger like this. When I'm untied, I stand up and rush over to Hayley, not saying a word to Luke.

"I'll call Ben and Jack. They can take care of this. I'm ready to get the hell out of here." Luke steps out of the living room on the phone.

As Calum finishes up with MT, he gets a better grip on his gun, and walks around the room looking at the bodies on the floor.

"Ah fuck." Calum bends down behind a couch, Hayley and I trade looks of concern.

"C'mon bud, snap to." A few soft smacks are heard, then a loud groan. "Ah calm down, you're fine. Must've just got knocked out." He stands up, pulling Ashton along with him. Calum looks over him for a moment, then pats him on the back. Luke walks back in and chuckles at the sight of Ashton.

"You look like shit." Ashton glares at him, then at MT tied up.

"Can't we kill this motherfucker?" MT clenches his jaw, not saying a word.

"You can stay here and wait for Ben and Jack, help them with it if you want. Calum and I have things to do." The three of them look over at Hayley and I, holding each other while watching everything happen. Luke walks over and grabs my arm, gently pulling me from Hayley.

"C'mon, we have different cars. We can go now." I nod and pull my arm away forcefully, hugging Hayley tightly. I let go hesitantly, then follow Luke out. He opens the car door for me, and I mumble a thank you. When he gets in, I buckle up and face away from him. I feel a rush of relief as we pull away from the house, and I pray I never have to return.


i really need to pee but i forced myself to finish this before I could

thank you for being active readers, it means a lot to me.

I love you all so much, hmu if you're interested in making a trailer for possessive!

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