You mean nothing

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I yawn and curl up on the couch, watching the movie. There were a few funny things, but I wasn't the biggest fan. There were things I didn't understand, making it not as enjoyable.

As the credits appear on the screen I look over at Ashton, who had fallen asleep. I giggle at the sight of his snuggling with a pillow. I get off the couch and turn the television off. I grab the plate that held my croissant, and I take it into the kitchen.

When I set the plate down, I hear a door open. I stand still, afraid of who it could be. I hear a familiar voice, and my heart warms.

"Luke!" I whisper to myself and run back into the living room. Ashton stand in front of me, blocking me from going to the hallway entrance.

"Annie.." I look up at him in confusion. "Y-you don't want to..." He has a pained expression on his face. I scrunch up my nose and look past him. I see the side of Luke. I push past Ashton and go closer to Luke.

When I get closer I feel my heart begin to race. My throats feels like it closing, and it gets harder to breath. I stare up at Luke whose got a smirk on his face.

"Ohh, heyy baby." His words slur together, and his breath stinks. "This is Bella.." He drags out the 'a' and points to the brunette he has his arm around.

"Hi!" She giggles and grabs onto Luke's shirt. She giggles more as Luke leans down and kisses her neck. I feel tears filling my eyes, blurring my vision. I stumble backwards, biting my lip.

"L-Luke?" My voice is soft and shaky, and Luke just chuckles down at me. "Aww.. Did I upset you? Did you actually think you were special to me? You're just another worthless bitch." I feel a pain in my chest, an unfamiliar feeling. My heart feels like it's shattering into a million pieces. I start to shake uncontrollably, and Luke smirks stepping closer to me. He grips my jaw and forces me to look up at him.

"Poor baby.. Go ahead, cry your eyes out. You mean nothing." He gets angry and pushes the brunette away from him. He keeps his grip on my jaw, and grab my neck with his other hand.

"You mean nothing!" He spits at me, shaking my body violently. "You're pathetic! Get away from me. Get away!" At this point I'm sobbing, listening to Luke scream at me, and Ashton scream at Luke. My chest aches and my legs feel weak. Luke pushes me roughly away from him, and my legs give out. I collapse to the ground, shaking violently.

"Pri-" I hear Luke's soft voice, but it quickly stops and turns dark and deep. "Fucking pathetic." I slowly lift my head to see him grabbing the brunette and dragging her out of the house. I slowly close my eyes, continuing to shake.

"Annie.." Ashton sit down on the ground next to me. He pulls me gently to him, holding me tightly.

"He didn't mean that Annie.." A sob escapes my lips. "He thinks he's putting you in danger.. He thinks this is the only way to keep you safe. The further away from him you are, the safer you are.. That's what he believes.." I feel a tear drip onto my arm, but it's not my own. I weakly lift my head and see Ashton biting his lip with a few tears dripping down his face. I smile softly, but my smile falls when another sob comes out.

"Shh.." He brushes through my hair, softly humming. After a few moments I feel myself calm down. My chest still aches, but my tears have ran dry. Ashton slowly stands up, pulling me up with him.

"C'mon, Annie. You need to rest." He helps me walk down a hallway and into a clean room. I read an alarm clock on a stand next to the bed that reads 9pm. I sigh and slowly crawl other the bed. Ashton helps me under the covers and tucks me in. He leans down and places a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry, Annie." He mumbles and turns to walk out of the room.

"Goodnight.." I whimper, and Ashton turns around and smiles softly.

"Goodnight." He replies and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. I stare up at the ceiling. My eyes ache and I try to shut them, but they don't stay shut. I picture Luke in my mind, and my chest throbs. I replay the words he said to me, over and over. Ashton told me he didn't mean them, but his anger sounded so real. His words didn't seem like lies. I was a fool for falling for him.

Hayley warned me, and I should've known better. My parents tried to keep me safe from heart ache, but I fell right into a trap. I hate myself for falling for him, but at the same time I don't. He made me feel happy and safe. Yet, he broke my heart.

"I have to!"


"You don't understand, Ash. I need to."

"I said no! Get out!"

"Fuck! Don't yell! My fucking head!" I groan and place the pillow over my head, trying to block out the yelling.

"Just leave. You hurt her, she needs some time to heal." I open my eyes slightly.

"Please, Ashton.. I've got to see her.. I need to let her know that I didn't mean it." The familiar voice makes me sick at my stomach. I jump out of bed and run out of the room. I try not to make any noise, but fail miserably. I run into the nearest bathroom, and shut the door behind me, forgetting to lock it.

I crouch in front of the toilet just in time. I feel my stomach clench as I'm throwing up into the toilet. My body aches and I sob loudly.

"Annie? Princess?" I look up and see Luke standing in the bathroom, Ashton standing behind him with a pained expression. Another sob escapes me as I look at Luke with tear stained cheeks.

"D-Did you touch h-her like you t-touched me?" I ask him in a quiet whisper. He opens his mouth and lets out a shaky breath.

"Baby.. I was drunk.. I.." Another pain shoots through me, and I start to throw up again. I feel my hair being brushed out of my face and gathered into a messy ponytail. When I'm done throwing up I look up to see Luke standing over me, holding my hair back.

"Princess.. Please.. I'm sorry.." Luke gets on his knees and wipes my mouth with a bit of toilet paper.

"It hurts." I sob looking into his eyes. He looks away from me, pain written all over his face.

"Fuck.. I'm so sorry Annie.." He pulls me to his chest, causing me to cry harder. The pain in my chest is overwhelming, and I don't know how to make it stop.

"P-please.." Luke pulls me away from him to look at my face.

"What, baby?" I close my eyes as my body shakes.

"Please g-go away.."

i'm not crying, you're crying.

i'll be updating more in a few hours!!

love you all

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