What are you, five?

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This was a mistake.

I chew on my bottom lip as Hayley introduces me to the three guys I didn't know. They were all dressed in dark clothes, and one had bright red hair. They all had piercings and tattoos, and were quite terrifying.

My heart was racing as she went through the guys. Michael, the one with the red hair, was kind of goofy but I was still rather scared by him.

Ashton seemed rather nice, but I still felt hesitant to talk to him.

"and this is Luke!"

I look at the last boy, and he didn't smile or say anything. Ashton nudged him with his elbow, but Luke just sat there silent while his eyes looked up and down my body.

"h-hi.." I felt uncomfortable and fidgeted where I sat. Hayley noticed and gave me a small smile.

"She's a little shy, but she'll open up to you soon, guys." Hayley spoke to them as if I wasn't right next to her. Out of habit I reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Hayley, she's right there." Michael fired at Hayley giving her a "why" look.

"I-it's fine.. It n-needed to be said.. I guess.." I start off with a sort of strong voice, but by the end of my sentence it's barely a mumble.

I pick at the snack bag while they carry on with a conversation I have no interest in. I find myself looking over at Luke and trying to figure out something about him, anything I could. I don't know why I was so interested. maybe it was because I had been here for an hour and hadn't heard him speak once.

I look at his hair first, it was messy yet it looked good. But the messiness made me want to fix it for him, I couldn't stand it being such a tangled mess.

His eyes were a bright blue, yet they were so dull. It was as if he had no emotion, and the look on his face made it seem that way too.

His lips were, well, normal lips, except he has a piercing on his bottom lip. My parents would kill me if I had that.

I continued to examine his body, covered with tattoos and dark clothing. He sat still, not talking to his friends, just listening.

I was snapped out of my thinking when a new voice spoke in the room.

"How long are you going to stare at me, little girl?" His voice was deep and raspy, it could put me into a trance. I felt my cheeks heat up, and my body shut down. I was terrified. I wanted to say "I'm not a little girl." But no words came out of my slightly open mouth.

The room was silent and Michael Ashton and Calum were all glaring at Luke. Hayley was staring at me with wide eyes, she probably knew I was scared.

"I.. I.." I looked down, not wanting to look anyone in the eyes, so I just stared down at my hands playing with the snack bag.

I heard a deep chuckle and I squinted my eyes shut tight, wanting to run far far away. I look up at Hayley and she gives me a small smile, and I see from the corner of my eye Calum quietly scolding Luke.

A light went off in my head when I started to think about my day. Ashton.. Michael.. Funny hair... the boys from this morning. I widen my eyes and freak out silently.

"I-I'm gonna go to the kitchen and e-eat some snacks.." I say rather quietly. She nods in response and I stand and walk into the kitchen.

I sit down on a stool at the island and open my snack bag. I pull out an apple juice, and sandwich without crust, and fruit snacks, and leave the rest in the bag.

"What are you, five?" I jump and turn to see Luke standing behind me. I open my mouth but no words come out. Luke rolls his eyes. "Speak! You not talking is annoying." I blush deeply and look away.

"S-sorry.." I squeak and scrunch up my nose.

"There we go. Much better." He smirks and walks up to me where I sit on the stool. I blush and look away from him, opening my apple juice.

I see out of the corner of my eye Luke sitting down on the stool next to me. I squeeze my eyes shut and hope that he doesn't talk to me. I take a small bite out of my sandwich and set it back down while I chew. I freeze when I see Luke's hand reaching towards me. I look at him with wide eyes.

His hand reaches up to my face, and I feel his thumb brush against the corner or my mouth. He pulls his hand back a little bit and I see a tiny amount of mayonnaise on his thumb. He moves his hand closer to my mouth again, and my eyes widen more.

"Open.." He says in a deep demanding voice. I feel my lips part almost immediately, my mind not being able to fully understand what was happening.

"Good girl.." I feel my stomach turn at these words, and my cheeks heat up. Luke pushed his thumb into my mouth, shocking me. I was very scared and nervous, yet almost instinctively I wrapped my lips around his thumb and sucked the mayonnaise off gently. This causes Luke to let out a deep almost scary groan, which made me whimper in response.

Luke pulled his thumb out of my mouth, which caused me to let out another whimper without realizing. My breathing was heavy, and I know that my cheeks were bright red.

Luke dropped his arm and opened his mouth to say something, but another voice beat him to it.

"Who's ready for pizza?!!"


I have realized it is impossible to make mayonnaise sound sexy.

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