Eye contact

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He won't look at me.

"So, you're saying we're being used as bait? So that you can hopefully get rid of MT once and for all? You're putting our lives at stake for a small chance that this will work?!" Hayley screams at Ashton, expressing every thought and feeling I am too nervous to express.

The whole time Ashton spoke, he avoided my eyes. He looked at the ground then up at Hayley,  then back at the ground. His eyes didn't land on me at all since the first time he walked in the door.

"It's more than a small chance, it's definitely going to work! And your lives aren't at stake, you're safe!" Ashton looks aggravated, but he has no right to be in this situation.

"Are we safe? Are we really? Your plan is to bring them here, make them think they've got us, the surprise them with Luke and Calum before they take us away? That's the oldest trick in the book, they'll see it coming! What if they bring more people than you thought? What if MT doesn't come? There are so many flaws!" I bring my legs up on the couch, hugging my knees to my chest. Hayley and Ashton arguing is stressing me out. How am I going to get out of this? I need to get home before my parents wake up, but I doubt I'm going to be able to.

"Hayley, you're being so fucking annoying right now. Just sit the fuck down so we can get things straightened out before they come!"

"Don't yell at her." I look up at Ashton, his eyes stay on Hayley,

"Excuse me?" Still no eye contact.

"I said, don't yell at her. You're being an asshole, and if you don't stop and quit yelling at her I'm gonna make sure Luke and Calum beat the shit out of you when we get out of this." His mouth falls open and his eyes flicker towards me, wide in shock at my snap.

"Oh, now you can look at me." I sarcastically mutter under my breath. I hear a huff then feel a hand pull me up off the couch. I'm drug by my arm into the kitchen by an angry Ashton. He pulls me close to him, gripping my wrist tightly and staring down at me with dark eyes.

"Do not test me, Annie. I'm fucking stressed out, and cannot handle you being like this with me. I'm sorry you're in this mess, but please understand I'm going to do my best to protect you two. You know how I feel.." He reaches up and brushes fallen hair back out of my face.

"Hayley's right, your plan is stupid and probably won't work. We're going to get hurt." He sighs and lets go of my wrist, stepping back a few steps. I wait for him to reply, and when he sits there in silence staring away from me I turn and walk back into the living room to Hayley. She stands near the couch with her arms crossed, aggravation clearly written all over her face. I know she's only using her anger to mask her fear.

"What was that about?" I shake my head at her and sit back down on the couch.

"I honestly don't know." She sits next to me, taking my hand in hers.

"We'll be okay." I lean my head on her shoulder softly.

"Even if we make it out of this, I have to face my parents. I can't imagine how they're going to react when I'm not home in the morning. I check a clock and mentally groan as I see it's already 1 am.

"I'll help you with them. I hate it when you get upset over things they say and do."

"They're my parents, it doesn't matter what I think I have to respect and obey them." She forces my head up and gives me a disapproving look.

"Not if what they ask of you is wrong. You should have freedom, Annie. They treat you like a prisoner." I don't respond, too tired and nervous to hold a conversation, especially one so frustrating.

We sit in silence for a few moments, both thinking over the events ahead of us. MT and his men are supposed to show up in order to take us. Ashton somehow convinced them that he is on their side and wants to help get Calum and Luke. Apparently, the way to them is through us. Ashton has them convinced that if they take us hostage, Luke and Calum will come running. The fact that Michael was killed because of the way he treated me worked in Ashton's favor for this.

The plan is when MT and his men come, Luke and Calum show up with a few other men from the club to get rid of MT once and for all. To me, it sounds like a cliche plan, with many flaws and room for mistake. There are so many holes and it seems so easy for MT to figure out what they are doing. What makes it worse for me is that if this plan goes wrong, Hayley and I are the one's suffering. We get taken.

I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing, praying silently that everything will work out. I hear a phone go off in the kitchen, causing me to open my eyes. A slam is sounded, and a determined Ashton walks into the living. He walks past us, grabbing two chairs from the dining room table. He pulls them over in front of the unlit fireplace. Hayley watch with knowing eyes as he grabs rope and tape from the hall closet. Hayley squeezes my hand gently, and I send her a sad smile. Ashton clears his throat and we both look up at him.

"Uhm, I'm gonna have to tie you two," He pauses and points to the chairs, "to those." He looks down at the ground awkwardly. Hayley and I stand slowly, my brain searching frantically for a way out of this, hoping it's just a nightmare. Hoping everything that's happened to me recently has been a nightmare.

"Hurry the fuck up, they're almost here." Ashton snaps and I know it's because he's nervous, but I can't help but feel offended. We still don't move, terrified of our fate if we sit down.

"Sit down on the fucking chairs before I knock you both out and do it all myself." We suddenly burst into motion and quickly obey his commands. We sit down in the chairs and breathe fast and short as we get tied to them. I chew on my bottom lip in fear and terror of what is to come of this night. Ashton bends down in front of me, pity in his eyes. That's the last thing I see before my vision is blocked by a bandana, and duck tape covers my mouth.

(lmao i had to edit it cause i put duck tape over the eyes instead of mouth hahaha. i wrote that at 1 am forgive me)

i love y'all so much, thank you for all the support. (if anyone is interested in making a trailer hmu)

message me if you need anything

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