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"You've missed a lot of school." I cover my face with my blanket and Ashton sighs. 

"Your parents are gonna find out." I kick my legs, annoyed. 

"Annie, what are you going to do?" I get frustrated and let out a loud scream. Ashton sighs and pulls the blanket away from me. I whine and reach out for the blanket. He throws it across the room and grabs my arms, pulling me off the couch. 

"You gotta get ready to face your parents, Annie." I whine again, and shake my head.

"I don't wanna." He lets my arms go and I stand up for a moment, then sit back on the couch. Ashton looks down at me for a moment then nods his head. 

"I think I can make a fake doctor report. Get it out into the system. You can tell your parents you got sick and stayed home." I look up at him with a smile. 

"Really?!" He laughs and nods his head. I stand up off the couch and hug him tightly. 

"Okay, I gotta go get that figured out. They'll be here this evening, right?" I drop my smile and sigh. I nod my head and he steps towards the door. 

"You better clean up and shower. Get ready to see them." I hug him again and he walks out the door. I pick up dishes around the living room and kitchen, and fill up the dishwasher.  I start the dishwasher, and rearrange the couch and tables in the living room, back to how they were in the first place.

I take my blanket upstairs to my room, then grab a change of clothes and go into the bathroom. I strip from my clothes and turn on the shower. I turn on music as I wait for the water to warm, then I step inside. I sigh as I feel the almost scalding water hitting my head. I hum along to the song playing from the ipod Ashton gave me.

"i'll keep you my dirty little secret" Ashton showed me his favorite music, and I really enjoyed most of them. Some, however, were a bit too mature for me. He kept the explicit ones off of the ipod for me. 

"don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret." I step out of the water stream with furrowed brows when I hear another voice join in with my singing. I shrug to myself and shampoo my hair, not worrying. The music changes and I smile, one of my favorite songs comes on. Ashton told me that Luke loves the song too. 

"the lace in your dress tingles my neck, how do i live"  I turn off the shower as the song ends, and reach past the curtain trying to find the towel. Did I hang one up? As I pat around trying to find one, I finally feel the material against my fingers. Didn't I already look here? 

I pull the towel inside the shower, and dry off my hair and body. My hair drips slightly as I wrap the towel around my body, and step out. I look down at the floor for my clothes. I furrow my eyebrows when I don't see them in the spot I thought I'd left them in.

I begin to look up, when I feel an arm wrap around my waist. I let out a scream, then a hand quickly covers my mouth. I kick my feet, trying to get away from the person behind me. 

"Stop moving." I voice growls behind me. The grip tightens, and the familiar voice makes my body stop immediately. 

"Good girl." He loosens his grip and moves his hand from my mouth then grabs my hips. He twists me around to face him. I look up into his blue eyes with my wide eyes. I try to speak, but nothing comes out.

He moves his hand up to hold my head up. He leans down and kisses the tip of my nose gently. My eyes flutter shut, and a soft whimper escapes my slightly parted lips. 

"Annie.." I open my eyes again, and his face and eyes hold a pained expression. "I'm sorry." I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly, feeling my eyes swell with tears. His arms pull me closer, his grip almost painfully tight. I let out a shaky sigh.

We stay in each other's arms for a few minutes, listening to the music in the background. A few tears fall from my eyes, landing on Luke's shirt creating a small wet spot. Luke and I finally pull apart and he stares down at me. 

"I'm just afraid you'll get hurt.." He mumbles, almost as if he was embarrassed. I nod my head, and place one of my small hands up against his cheek. 

"I know.." I whisper and he smiles painfully. He leans down and presses his lips against my gently. He holds onto me cautiously, as if he were afraid of breaking me. When he pulls back away from my lips, I take a deep breath and smile up at him. 

"L-Luke?" I bite my lip as he answers me with a look of fear. 

"I l-love you too." 

i know some of you don't enjoy all of the stuttering, but i use it to show when she feels comfortable around people. for example, she's spent the last couple days with Ashton, and she doesn't really stutter around him anymore. however, she still stutters around Luke... just a little food for thought (;

prepare yourself for some s m u t (;

Love you all

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