Bloody Hands

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My heart is racing as I'm backed all the way into the corner of my room. My eyes wide as I watch the two boys throwing punches.

'' You're a fucking psycho, Luke.'' Ashton yelled at him, resulting in Luke punching him straight in the jaw, after zipping his pants.

"Say that again I fucking dare you." Luke drops his hands and clenches his jaw.

"You don't deserve her. " He points over at me. "You just use her and force her to go against what she believes in!" Like growls and pushes Ashton back, then tackles him to the floor. I slide down the wall, squeezing my eyes shut. I pull my knees up to my chest and sit her voice chimes in.

"You idiots!" Calum is pulling Luke off of Ashton, whose face is covered in blood. Luke looks down at his hands to see them cut and bleeding as well.

"Get out. Now." Ashton picks himself up, struggling to stand.

"You heard him." He snapped at Luke, who glared at him as if threatening to hit him again.

"Both of you!" Calum turns to Ashton, whose mouth gapes open.

"What the hell! I did nothing wrong! I caught him in here forcing Annie to suck him off!" Calum snapped his head to Luke. He opened his mouth to yell at Luke, but I cut him off.

"H-He didn't force me." I look up at the three boys, my face red. I'm so thankful that Hayley isn't in here. She's always been a heavy sleeper. Calum groans and Ashton stares at me with wide eyes and mouth open.

"Stop looking at my girl like that." Luke steps towards him, but Calum puts an arm up to stop him.

"You two need to stop acting like idiots. We've already lost a Michael, if we lose one of you our business is going to fucking go down. " Calum looks between the two men with soft eyes. He then scoffs and throws his hands up.

"Just get out before Hayley wakes up and sees you two like this." He walks out and Ashton follows behind him mumbling. Luke starts to chuckle, walking over to me.

"Come here, Princess." He reaches down and pulls me up off the ground. I look down shyly. I gasp when I look down at his hands closely. I grab his arm and pull him to the nearest bathroom. I shut the door behind us and lock it, in case Hayley wakes up.

"In the bathroom, baby? It'd probably be more comfortable in the bed." Luke smirks and I glare up at him.

"Oh, s-shut up." I snap at him, a little mad at what happened a few minutes ago. The anger was evident in my tone. I should've known not to snap at Luke, but I'm paying for my mistake now. His hand is around my throat, his other hand pulling my hair so that I'm looking up at him.

"Say that again, I dare you." He growls right next to my lips. I look at his lips, whimpering and trying to push myself closer to them.Luke notices this and pulls his head back.

"No baby, you're in trouble right now." I whine in response, standing up on my toes and biting my lip. Luke groans and licks his lips.

"So needy." Luke's grip on my neck tightens slightly.

"P-please daddy." This makes Luke mutter 'fuck' under his breath and slam his lips into mine.

He pushes me up against the nearest wall, groaning. I whimper and move my hands up to his neck. He growls and moves a hand from my hair to my hands, pushing them both against the wall above my head in his hand. His other hand is still around my neck, squeezing.

He slams his hips against mine, causing me to cry out. He moves them against me roughly, pressing against me hard. He moans and slips his tongue into my mouth. His rubs against me start to go in a pattern. He thrusts his hips, then rubs, then thrusts, the rubs. I feel something build up inside me, feeling similar to the feeling when he touched me down there.

"Fuck." He groans in between the kissing and his thrusts become faster and harder. I'm a whimpering mess under his touch.

Our bodies start to shake, and I feel a warm sensation cover my body. Luke bites down tugging on my bottom lip. He quickly lets go and growls loudly. He moves his head down to my neck and bites down hard as he runs against me even harder and faster than before. I cry out in pain and pleasure, while Luke whimpers, biting my neck.

He slows down on the rubbing, and brings his head and teeth away from my neck. He hums and licks his lips, looking down at the mark he made. He lets go of my neck and steps back, scanning my body from head to toe.

"You're so spoiled." I close my eyes and smile, trying to catch my breath. I move over to Luke and grab his hands. I turn the sink on and move his hands under the water. I grab a few paper towels and try to rub some of the dried blood off. Luke stays still, watching me. After a few minutes of this I let his hands go and turn off the water.

"All better, Luke." He tilts his head, and reaches his hand up placing it on my cheek.

"No stutter." He smiles at me, and I look down shyly. He chuckles at my reaction, and pulls me to his chest, hugging me close. We stay like this for a few minutes, and I feel safe and warm. Luke unlocks the door and we walk out and into the living room. We are wide awake, so might as well stay awake.

I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. The news challenge is on. I roll my eyes at the television, I hate the news.

"I'm gonna grab a glass of water, you want anything?" I nod and tell him a water. I look at the clock and scrunch up my nose. 5:47. I have to be home by 9am. My parents don't like me staying gone for a long time, so I always have to get home early from Hayley's house.

I look at the television, and something catches my eye on the news before I change channels. I turn up the volume and my eyes widen. I bring a hand up to my mouth, and feel tears filling my eyes. They show the scene of the crime, and they talk about suspects, and possible causes. I stare at the television, feeling my body go numb. I turn it off when Luke walls in.

"Here you go, Princess." Luke hands me a glass of water, but I don't take it from him. I slowly look at him and he tilts his head.

"You okay?" He moves to set the glasses down. He looks as if he about to sit by me, but I stop him.

"You killed him."


hi, yes it is me I am indeed alive.

I met a pretty singer boy who does local performances and I am going to marry him and our children will be beautiful.

that is all


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