Young and Innocent

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How did I get myself into this mess? 10 minutes ago I was perfectly fine. 10 minutes ago I was happy, and enjoying a nice meal with my family. Now, I'm standing across from Luke, while his date and my mom hug each other and freak out about it having been years.

I keep my gaze on the ground, peaking up every few seconds. Every time I look up Luke is looking at me with concern written all over his face. He looks as if he wants to tell me something.

"So who is this fine man?" My mom looks over at Luke who smiles politely. My dad looks at him uneasily, probably thinking he is a criminal because of his look.

"Oh, this is my cousin, Luke." The lady replies smoothly as Luke turns to look at me again and his face seems to relax. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and smile slightly to him.

As my parents continue to talk to the lady, whose name is Eliza I found out, I stand awkwardly, just wanting to get home. I am tired and can hardly stand up. I think that my parents notice this, because my father sets a hand on my shoulder.

"Honey, are you ready to go?" My father turns and looks down at me. I nod my head slightly and mumble "sleepy". I can see Luke smirk and bite his lip for a moment, then drop it before anyone saw.

"Oh, I wish we could visit more, but it seems we have to get her home." My mom and dad seem truly upset, and it makes me feel bad.

"I can take her home for you, and let you guys catch up?" My head snaps up at this voice, and I lock eyes with the blonde across from me. Eliza gasps in happiness and gets my mother excited too.

"Thank you so much Luke!" My mom replies in such a happy tone. My dad seems uneasy, not sure if he should trust the stranger. Despite his hesitance he ends up letting Luke take me home.

My dad gives him directions, and he acts as though he had not known prior to this instruction. My dad warns him, like a typical dad, to take care of me. As we walk out of the restaurant and to the car, I start to giggle sleepily. Luke looks down at me with an amused smile.

"What's so funny, Princess?" He takes my hand in his, and pulls me towards him protectively. I hum, and grab his arm with my other hand.

"They t-think we d-don't know each other." I giggle more, feeling very tired and almost as if I can't control my words and actions.

"Ah I see." Luke chuckles softly, as we make it to his car. He opens the door for me and I thank him and get inside. When he gets around and inside I buckle up and start talking without even knowing what I'm saying.

"I t-thought you were on a d-date." I yawn and can see Luke look over at me with a pained expression as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"I'm sorry, Annie." Luke takes a hand off the steering wheel and places it on my thigh.

"It's okay, b-because you w-weren't." I smile and play with Luke's hand.

"Hey L-Luke?" I stop playing with his hand and look over at him.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He drums his fingers on my thigh.

"What was t-that funny feeling I f-felt?" Luke stops moving his fingers and let's out a deep breath.

"Maybe one day I'll show you." I scrunch up my face in annoyance.

"Today? W-When we get t-to my h-home?" Luke closes his eyes for a few moments, then opens them again letting out a groan. He swallowed hard, and I could see him turning visibly frustrated.

"No, Annie. Not yet." We were getting closer to my house, and I was getting even grumpier because of exhaustion.

"But p-please!" I beg, not caring about his frustration. I see my house a short distance away. "I w-wanna know.." I pout slightly. Luke let's out a growl. He slams his hands down on the steering wheel as we park in my driveway.

"Dammit Annie, I said no!" He quickly unbuckles and turns toward me. His eyes are dark and his voice is deep and raspy. "Don't you understand?!" He reaches out and wraps a hand around my throat, squeezing but not enough to keep my from breathing. "I'm trying to protect you, Princess. You're young and innocent. Once I start I can't stop. When we do this there's no going back." I whimper softly and stare back at him with wide eyes.

"Please, L-Luke. I want t-to." With those words Luke pulls on my neck and smashes his lips onto mine. I gasp and it feels as though my heart stops for a second. I mentally freak because of my inexperience, and not knowing what to do in the situation. I whimper softly and Luke groans in response. I kiss him back, hoping I'm doing it right. After a few minutes of this, he pulls back and looks at me with dark eyes.

He then quickly unbuckles my seat for me, gets out of the car, opens my door and picks me up carrying me inside.

I bite my lip as his carries me up the stairs to my room. My face heats up when he drops me on my bed and crawls on top of me. Luke chuckles softly, making my face heat up more.

"Don't be so nervous, little girl. I'm going to take good care of you." I bite my lip and look up at him shyly. Luke brings his hand up and tugs slightly on the collar of my dress.

"I want to see my marks." He says in a low tone, and pulls the high collar down. He hums lowly when he sees the red and purple, but isn't satisfied.

"I'm going to take your dress off, okay princess? Are you ready?" I breath heavily and nod. "Let me hear you."

"O-okay, I'm r-ready." Luke smirks and growls deeply.

"Good girl. Daddy's gonna make you feel real good."


i'm at a history lecture rn


love you all! comment please i'm begging you (:

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