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"Good girl. Daddy's gonna make you feel real good."

I stare up at Luke with wide eyes. He licks his lips and reaches down to grab the hem of my dress. He slowly pulls it up, and over my head. A strangled groan leaves his mouth, and he quickly throws the dress onto the ground and grabs onto my hips.

"Oh, princess." He stares down at me body, biting his bottom lip. I blush and cover my face with my hands. Luke chuckles, making more embarrassed, and grabs my hands. He pulls them away from my face, and holds my wrists in one hand, pinning them above my head.

His free hand trails down my neck, then to my chest, creating goosebumps as he goes. His hand moves over my breasts and I close my eyes tightly, a gasp coming from my mouth. His hand keeps moving down, going across my stomach then reaching my pink panties. Luke hooks my panties with his finger and pulls them down my leg. He sucks in a breath, and I squirm uncomfortably.

"You're so beautiful little girl." He lets go of my wrists for a short moment to take off my bra, then grabs my wrists again. He smirks and places a hand over my mouth.

He dips his head down and starts to nibble on my neck. I whimper softly, as he moves down my neck closer to my boobs. As he makes it to my chest, I feel my face heat up. I am caught by surprise when he begins to suck on the skin of my breasts. I unintentionally let out a moan, which causes Luke to smirk down at me.

He bites down gently, causing me to squirm again. I move my legs around, feeling a weird sensation in between them.

"Stop moving, baby." Luke mumbles against my skin, as me lets go of my hands and moves his head down to my stomach. His breath makes goosebumps appear on my lower stomach. He looks up at me, moving slowly towards the are my parents told me to never let a boy touch me.

I open my mouth to tell Luke that this was wrong, but before the words leave my mouth, Luke attaches his mouth right above the area. I gasp and grasp a handful of my bed sheets with both hands. He sticks his tongue out and draws a line all the way down to my clit. I whimper loudly as he does, bucking my hips up towards his mouth. He laughs and grips my hips tightly, pushing them down.

"Stay still, okay? I don't want to have to tie you down on your first time." Tie me down? I just whine in response. It felt wrong, but the feeling felt so right.

He puts his mouth right in front of my parts, barely a centimeter away. His hot breath driving me insane.

"Please.. L-Luke.." I don't know what I'm begging him for, I just want him to do something.

"It's not Luke, princess." I furrow my eyebrows, not understanding. I then remember him calling himself daddy earlier, and bite my lip. That's not what he meant, right? Why would he want me to call him daddy. I then remember Hayley vaguely explaining this to me, before I plugged my ears and screamed at her.

"P-please.." I barely whisper the next part, but Luke hears me. "Please daddy.." He takes my clit in his mouth, sucking and twirling his tongue around on it. His grip on my hips was painfully tight, but I didn't think much of t.

I resist the urge to scream at this unfamiliar feeling. Luke keeps sucking and licking me, sloppy sounds echoing in my room.

"I'm going to put a finger inside you baby, are you ready?" I look down at him at widen my eyes as he raises one of his hands. His fingers were long and the thought of one inside me scared me, but I wanted to be brave for Luke.

"Y-yes.. daddy.." He smiles and mutters a 'good girl' before going back to sucking. I feel a pinch, and gasp sharply. The foreign feeling was uncomfortable, but the good feeling Luke's mouth was creating balanced it out.

After a few second of the sharp feeling, Luke starts to move his finger in and out, the more he does, the better it feels. Luke unexpectedly curls his finger up, causing me to release a rather loud moan.

"Oh baby.." Luke growls against me, and moves his mouth down and bites down on my thigh. I try to sit up in shock, but he uses his free hand to push my back down. I whine and try to push him away but I'm too weak.

"Luke, that hurts." I whimper, not liking the feeling of his teeth biting down on my thigh.

"Good." He goes back to licking and sucking on my clit. I relax slightly, but feel a little tense with a weird feeling building up inside me. Luke starts to move his finger in and out faster, the sucking and licking becoming faster and sloppier too.

"W-what's that f-feeling?" I want to squirm, but Luke is still pushing me down.

"Just relax, princess. Let go." The faster he goes, the more the feeling grows. I shut my eyes tight, whimpering uncontrollably. I start to pant, my legs shaking.

"Cum for me, baby." My hips buck, and loud moan comes from my mouth as a weird and strong feeling takes over my body. I shake for a moment, then feel a warmth fill my body. My eyes rolls back, and I stay still for a minute after the feeling leaves my body. My breathing is still heavy when Luke crawls up on my again. He props himself up, his face right above mine.

"You good, sweetheart?" I nod, not being able to speak. Luke chuckles and sits up, pulling me into his lap. I finally catch my breath, and look up at him. I open to say something, but instead I start giggling. Luke finds this amusing.

"Something funny?" He has a smile on his face. Instead of replying I just snuggle my head into his chest.

"T-thank you.." I say after a few moments of silence.

"You're welcome princess." As he leans down and places a kiss on my forehead, the door opens downstairs. I panic and reach for my dress putting it on as fast as I can.

"Luke, you're still hear?" Oh no his car. I look at Luke, and he seems calm. He places another kiss on my head, then points to my bed.

"Go to sleep, princess." He says quietly, and walks out of my room.

"Hey, I was just making sure Annie got inside and to sleep okay!" Luke yells to my parents, then I hear him going downstairs.

I smile to myself as I change into pajamas and crawl into my bed. I replay the night over and over, giggling to myself quietly. I feel so happy, ignoring the fact that I went against what my parents told me my whole life. All I can think about is Luke, and how I can't wait to see him again.



thank you all for supporting me. it's been sad having to deal with losing Possessive when it was at a quarter of a million reads and getting super popular. I'm so thankful to have all of you support my book!

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love you all!

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