Hey Everyone

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Okay so, because a few of you have messaged me about when i'll have the second book up i've decided to just make a quick announcement and also give y'all something to read during the wait.

I am not sure when I will have the next book published, I want to have a few chapters ready so that y'all don't have to wait 2 months for every chapter. (yikes)

Because I don't have an exact time to tell you, i've decided i'm gonna do a fun little thing.

On this part, please comment people you would've liked to see get together in Possessive. No matter who it is, comment. I will take the most popular ones and create little stories of how I picture they would've gotten together if they had. (Luke and Annie already shared all of their firsts, so please choose someone I can write a first for 😂) I know there aren't many characters to choose from, but just have fun with it!! I mean I will do whatever you people want, idc if it's fucking Matt and Annie's dad i will write what the people want lmao.

I also have the q&a from a few chapters back I will do for you guys as well.

Also have a Harry Styles fanfic coming!!

I love you all !!

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