Luke loves my crossiants

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"Wait.. M-Michael? Michael's dead! You k-killed h-him! I saw it o-on the n-news!!" Luke turns sharply, making me grab onto the handle above me. 

"Michael Clifford is dead. Michael Thomas isn't dead." I scrunch up my nose. I've never heard of him. I can clearly see Luke is angry, so I keep to myself for the rest of the ride. 

When we pull into a driveway, I see Ashton standing outside a house and I relax. When Luke said I was staying with a friend, I was afraid it would be a stranger. I get out of the car and smile at Ashton. He smiles back, and waves to Luke, who doesn't even get out of the car. I was expecting him to get out and tell me goodbye, but he just speeds off. I turn to Ashton with a sad look, and he sighs.

  "Let's go inside." I nod and follow him into his house. He motions to his couch, and I walk over and sit down on it. I make sweater paws and put my elbows on my knees, holding my head up with my hands. Ashton walks off, then returns with a mug.

"I, uhm, made some hot cocoa. I dunno if you like marshmallows or not, but I hope you do.. Cause I kind of put a lot in it." He hands it to me and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. I smile and thank him. 

"I love m-marshmallows." He smiles and nods his head, happy. He sits down in a chair next to the couch.

"Ashton?" He looks up at me. "W-what's going on?" He sighs and looks away biting his thumb nail. 

"What all did Luke tell you?" He leans forward. 

"M-Michael Clifford, the Michael I know, is d-dead. But there is another M-Michael?" Ashton nods. "That's aall." Ashton lets out a deep breath and gets comfortable.

  "Michael and MT, Michael Thomas, who you've never met, were like brothers. They've known each other since birth. They were like partners in crime. MT was a good kid, but when Michael starting getting into the shit we do, MT followed him. He said that if Michael was gonna get himself into trouble, he needed to be there to watch out for him. MT and Michael were inseparable. They'd bail each other out, and help each other with raids and deals." Ashton rambles on, and a lot of it is confusing to me. He talks a lot about deals and raids, me not knowing exactly what he means by that.

"It was like they could never disappoint the other. No matter what they did, they were still perfect to each other. Michael could decide he wanted to kill puppies, and MT would hand his the weapon. MT could want to kidnap a bunch of girls, and Michael would go buy him a white van." He pauses to laugh.  "I'm not even kidding. Michael seriously bought MT a white van when he mentioned kidnapping a girl he saw on the street." Ashton laughs for a moment, then his face falls. 

"Michael was a good guy. He just got lost. Luke warned him to not touch you. He forgot his place. He knew the consequences." It looks like Ashton's about to cry, I see hints of tears in his eyes. He shakes his head then looks up at me again.

  "How's the cocoa?" I realize I've been so distracted I forgot about the drink. I take a sip of the now only warm cocoa and smile. 

"It's delicious. Thank you." He smiles again and chews on his lip. 

"Where was I?" He thinks for a moment and nods when he remembers.

"Ah yes, MT. When he heard about Luke.. killing Michael. He was blinded with rage. He betrayed us. He met with the leader of a gang a few towns over. One of the most powerful gangs in the area. He's been planning with them, and now he's after us.  Calum and Luke had to go meet with an ally gang. They've got a lot that they need to prepare for. I would be there with them, but I told Luke I had croissants in the oven. He snapped at me at first, but then realized that I could watch over you." Ashton giggled and whispered, "Plus.. Luke loves my croissants." This made me start giggling. As we are laughing, a bell goes off and Ashton hops up. 

"There they are! Wanna try one?" I nod and follow him into his kitchen. It's surprisingly neat and organized. I set my empty mug on the counter near the sink, and walk over to Ashton as he pulls the pan out of the oven. I see the steam coming from them.

"We'll let them cool for a few minutes." I nod and watch as he cleans up a little mess made while making the croissants. After a few minutes he grabs a plate from a cabinet and and puts a croissant on it. 

"Here you are lil Luke." I tilt my head and take the plate from him. He sees my look of confusion and chuckles.

"Sorry.. You remind me of Luke. You listen way more than you talk. And you really do listen." I smile and look down. 

"Let's watch a movie!" I widen my eyes and nod. 

"Okay!" He runs back into the living room, and I follow him with my croissant. He flips through his stack of movies, and I go sit back on the couch. He finds one and pulls it out. 

"This one is Luke's favorite, but he won't admit it anymore." I look at the DVD, and tilt my head. 

"W-What is it about?" He looks at me with a pale face. 

"You've never seen Mean Girls?" I shake my head and he quickly puts the DVD in. 

"Get ready. You're gonna love it."


want you back has got me in a fanfic mood


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