She's mine

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A bright light pulls me from my sleep and I slowly open my eyes to see the light from outside peeking through the curtains. I groan and roll over, landing on a body. I look for a race and realize it's Hayley. She groans and pushes me off of her, a little too hard. I gasp and my bottom hits the ground, and I stand up angrily.

"Seriously?" I yell at Hayley, but her being the heavy sleeper she is, she is not affected and doesn't even know I'm talking to her.

"Someone's not a morning person." A voice says from the doorway. I turn to see Michael standing there with a big smile. I blush and look away from him.

"Yeah.." I mumble shyly. Michael scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"You know it's really annoying when you barely talk." I shrug and slip on my house shoes and walk over to the door way. Michael steps back and I squeeze past him mumbling a "thank you".

I quietly walk down the hallway, staring at the floor. When I get into the kitchen I sit down on a stool at the island, and drawing on the counter top with my finger.

I jump in my seat when I feel hands on my hips. I felt the person move their head closer, and breathe onto my neck.

"Still so quiet." A voice I wasn't expecting spoke in my ear.

"M-Michael, please let g-go of me, p-please.." I stuttered quite scared of the man behind me.

"Now why would I let go of such a beautiful body." His hand squeezed my hips tightly and painfully, making me squirm and cry out. "Oh shut up." He mumbled as I felt his breath closer to my neck. I opened my mouth to protest again.

"Michael. Let go. Now."

This wasn't my voice. This was a deep voice. A dark, scary, bold voice. A voice that Michael obeyed. As soon as my hips were free from his grasp I scurried off the stool and ran. As I ran past the man who spoke earlier he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me, with me facing his chest, and pulled my close. I thrashed around, not wanting to be trapped again.

"Easy, Easy.. You're okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." The voice was now calming and I felt like I knew it. When I looked up I saw a familiar blonde and I sighed of relief. I wrapped my arms around him, and felt his tighten around me. "There you go, baby girl."

I felt my eyes fill with tears, and I got angry with myself for being so emotional.

"What the hell is fucking wrong with you Michael?" Luke's chest vibrated as he cursed at Michael for his actions. I winced at the curses, and Luke could tell. He mumbled a quiet "sorry" to me before yelling at Michael more.

"You've never had a problem with me doing this before, Luke. What's different now?!" Michael was getting angry, and I tightened my arms around Luke out of fear.

"What's different now, is that she is mine." His voice turned into a deep growl, and his arms tightened around mine even more, uncomfortably, but not painfully. His? I'm not his. I'm a person not some pet or toy.

Michael scoffed and I heard him walking away from us. "Good luck with that."

"What the hell is going on in here?" Luke lets go of me slightly, and we turn to see Hayley standing behind us. "Why are you still here? I thought you guys left last night."

"Just Ashton, the rest of us slept on the couches and floor." Michael spoke from a little ways away. "And now, I'm leaving." He opened the door and walked out.

"Well fuck.. What all did I miss?"


"I'm glad you enjoyed your stay, Annabelle." My dad smiled at me from across the table, while my mom picked up our plates.

"I really did, but now I am extremely tired." I said in a quiet voice, because I was indeed extremely tired.

"Your father and I can clean up, you can go up and get some sleep. Tomorrow is church." I thanked them and kissed them both on the cheek.

"Goodnight" I yelled as I ran up the stairs. Once in my room, I got out of my clothes and dumped my bag to put my stuff away/ I noticed a black tshirt, that wasn't mine. It was Luke's. I must have accidentally packed it with my stuff, since I did wear it to sleep last night.

I picked it up and looked at it for a moment, then took off my clothes and slid it on. It was going to slide on some shorts, but it was hot in my room so I just laid down in my bed in his shirt and my panties.

As I turned over to turn on an alarm, I heard a tap. I stopped moving and listened. The tap came again, and again, over and over. I moved to look out my window, and pulled the curtains back. With wide eyes, I cracked the window.

"What are you doing here?"


ya girl went to a Harry Styles concert last night

i didn't even know i was going until 2 hours before

my parents were like oh hey btw here two VIP tickets to the concert tonight on the 10th row no big deal

best night of my life ngl

Harry is so beautiful and has such a kind heart ugh

i love you all

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