Buckle up

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Sunday flew by without much happening. The usual Sunday church service took up my morning, I ate lunch out with my family, went home for a little bit, and then had Sunday night church service.

Now I'm sitting in the car with Hayley wondering where my weekend went. I also ponder over whether or not I should tell her what happened with Luke on Saturday night. I eventually decide against it while she goes on and on about Calum refusing to take her to the fair that's coming up in a couple weeks.

"Does he not realize that this is a big deal to me?"


"Why does he have to be so stubborn!!"


"Annie likes butt stuff."

"Mhmm.. wait what?" Hayley busts out laughing and I shoot her a look of confusion.

"Sorry, sorry!" She mutters in between laughs. I roll my eyes at her in annoyance, because I knew deep down she wasn't sorry.

"I d-don't even wanna ask.." I say to her, referring back to the "butt stuff" comment she made earlier.

When we make it to the school Hayley informs me that she has to leave early and won't be able to take me home.

"Well w-what am I supposed to do? My parents aren't home, they can't pick me up! I have no r-ride! I-" She cuts me off.

"Calm down, Annie. I'll figure something out, I promise." I nod my head as we approach the front doors.

The classes went by painfully slow. I sat in my usual spot in the back for most of the classes, but was forced to sit up front for my last class of the day, Physics.

Having moved spots forced me into sitting by new people. New people meant people trying to talk to me. Luckily, the person to my left had no interest in talking to me, and the person behind me had fallen asleep. However, the guy to my right thought that it would be a great idea to talk to me.

"Pssst.." A small piece of trash flies in front of my face, and I slowly turn my head to see a kid who looked a little bit older than me smiling wide.

"I'm Matt." He moves a hand towards me, and before I have the chance to shake his hand and introduce my self, a loud voice interrupts.

"Matthew Garrett. I apologize if my lesson is an inconvenience to you." Matt rolled his eyes and looked up at Mrs. Cloud.

"Oh no problem, Mrs. C, I don't mind." He placed a smirk on his face, and Mrs. Cloud snapped at him and ended up giving him a detention. We didn't speak for the rest of the class, but he caught up with me after and followed me out.

"So, can I know your name now." Matt says as he walks beside out to the edge of the sidewalk near the road.

"Y-Yeah, I'm Annie.." I answer him while looking around not sure how I'm going to get home.

"Well nice to meet you Annie." I turn to look at Matt and smile, ignoring the sound of a car door behind me.

"Do you need a ride?" I open my mouth to answer him, but someone else beats me to it.

"No, she doesn't." I turn and see an aggravated Luke walking up. He drops his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to him.

"Hey princess." Luke says in a deep voice, not taking his eyes off of Matt.

I mumble a quiet "hi" in response, and blush looking away from the two guys. Matt chuckled awkwardly and takes a step back.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Annie. I'll see you around." As he waves and turns around to walk off I barely catch Luke mumbling "no you won't."

As soon as Matt gets a good distance away, Luke turns me around and pulls me close to him. He moves his mouth close to my ear. I feel a slight pinch on my earlobe and a hot breath on my ear and next. After a few seconds of this I hear his deep voice growl in my ear.

"Who was that?" Luke asks me in a very stern tone.

"S-some kid from one of m-my c-classes. I d-don't really k-know him." Luke being so close to me, and seeming angry made me feel very nervous. My heart was racing.

"I don't want you around him anymore. I don't like the way he looked at you. Understand?" I wanted to yell no. I wanted to talk back and tell him he didn't own me or decide how I'm going to live my life. But of course, the only words that came out of my mouth were "Yes sir."

"Good girl, now get into the car. We are gonna go on a little adventure." I question him, afraid of what might happen if I don't get home soon. My parents would be curious and I would probably get into trouble.

Luke doesn't give me any answers he just opens the car door for me and shut it after I crawled in. I buckle my seat belt while Luke goes around the car and gets inside. I notice that he never buckled up as we start to drive, and it concerns me.

"Buckle up." I say to him as we pull out of the school lot. He turns to look at me and furrows his eyebrows.

"What?" I regret opening my mouth, but I couldn't back down now.

"B-buckle up. Please.." I mumble this time, but he was still able to hear me. He chuckles and I close my eyes in anxiety.

"Was that a command, little girl?" I shake my head and mutter a "n-never mind" which causes him to chuckle more.

He doesn't say anything else, but he does end up buckling his seat belt, and I smile in satisfaction. We turn off onto a dirt road, and I begin to get a little worried. We drive a little longer, and then Luke comes to a stop in the middle of nowhere. He turns and stares at me and growls lowly.

"You're mine, Annie. Do you understand that?" I nod and he growls again and I realize my mistake.

"Yes.. y-yes sir.." He smirks and reaches a hand over and places it on my cheek.

"I know you're mine, and you know you're mine. But how am I going to show others that you're mine and only mine?" I shrug my shoulders and bite my lip, confused at what he is meaning.

His face lights up as it seems and idea comes into his head. He smirks again, and moves closer to me.

"Oh baby, I know exactly how to show them who owns you."


message me if you need anything (:

love you all

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