I'm sorry Annie

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I feel my throat swell and my heart race with terror. My mouth feels dry and my face is hot.

"Do you understand me, Annie?" He growls and tugs me closer, his grip on my jaw still tight and rough. I nod slightly, too afraid to speak.

"I want words, brat." I whimper and open my mouth struggling to speak.

"Y-yes.." I manage to get out a simple answer, but he wants more.

"Yes what?" I furrow my eyebrows, not knowing what he meant. I took a guess that he wanted me to call him sir. He's older than me, but I didn't think he was old enough for me to need to talk to him with manners like that.

"Yes sir?" It came out like a question, but he seemed to think it was enough. He groaned and his hand left my jaw. I let out a shaky breath as he looked at me with a small smile forming.

"That's a good girl..." He reaches his hand out again and runs his hand through my hair. My eyelids flutter closed and a take a deep breath to calm myself. And then, before I had time to think, a hand is around my throat and pulling me across the console my chest and stomach resting on Luke's lap, my arms propping myself up so that my head is not shoved into the door. My legs are in the passenger seat, and my bottom is sticking up because of the console. I squeal and thrash around trying to get off of him, but he holds me down.

"Stop moving Annie, you brought this on yourself. You shouldn't have been a brat." I whimper and feel tears form in my eyes. I stop moving around, and collapse. There is no use fighting him, I would never win.

"There you go.. much better..." He runs his fingers through my hair, then they trail down my back. I tense up as I feel his fingers over my skirt. Suddenly I feel my skirt fly up, and I squirm embarrassed and uncomfortable. Luke's other hand is pushing down on me keeping me from getting anywhere.

I feel him lean down and whisper in my ear. "Don't make a sound." I widen my eyes at his words, scared of why he was saying this. Without warning he raisraises his hand and brings it down quick and harshly, slapping my bottom. I gasp and jerk forward, I let out a shaky cry. This results in his hand grabbing my butt and squeezing it painfully.

"I said don't make a fucking sound. You get 9 more. You were only going to get 5 since it is your first time, but since you can't follow a simple rule I'm not taking pity." His hand comes down again and I press my lips together tight, trying so hard to not let a sound come out. Tears are streaming from my eyes. Another slap. Another. Again.

"5 left.." He growls and slaps me again, this time harder than the rest. I gasp for air and squeeze my eyes shut tight, trying to not cry out. Another. Another. Another.

"Last one, brat." His hand comes down for the finally time, and his fingers begin to massage where they hit. He then pulls me up and sets me where I'm in his lap straddling him. He pulls my head to his chest, and I finally let out a sob. As soon as I start I can't stop. I'm a sobbing mess, Luke whispering things into my ear as I cry into his chest. Soon I've calmed down and he pulls me back.

"I'm sorry, Annie. I had to. If I didn't teach you a lesson then you wouldn't have learned to not talk to me like that. I can't let you be a brat without a punishment. I'm sorry sweetie." I feel another tear fall and I nod my head. He smiles softly and reaches over to the cup holders where he put the candy when he got in.

"Here you go, babe." My heart flutters at the pet name and I grab the candy quickly.

"T-thank you.." Luke motions for me to continue, "sir..." He smiles and helps me back into the passenger seat. The drive home is quiet, but not uncomfortable. I share my candy with him, but not a lot because I'm greedy when it come to my Sweetarts.

We make it back to Hayley's house and my face is still red from me crying. We get the groceries from the car and take them inside. When we get inside and back into the room where everyone is, they are all still playing the game.They look over at us and Hayley widens her eyes in worry. I set the bags down and smile softly.

"Hey, " I look over at Luke," Why don't you go wash up then maybe we can convince them to play a game we all can play, yeah?"

I nod and smile up at him. "Yes, sir." I say and look back at the guys and Hayley about to go to the bathroom. A gasp is heard and the guys' faces pale, while Hayley glares at Luke. I over at him and he winces and clears his throat.

"What?" I ask innocently, confused at the awkward silence. Luke leans over and whispers into my ear.

"Just go wash up, little girl. I've got to talk to them for a minute. It'll be okay." I feel the pinch on my earlobe agains and I whimper slightly causing Luke to groan quietly. He pulls back, and motions for me to go. I get into the bathroom and shut the door, then yelling starts.


love you all

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