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"T-The club?! No! I don't want to go b-back there!" I remember the scary men, and the girls warning me about Luke.

"Relax, Annie. You are Hayley are staying in the car with Calum. I just have to run in for a few minutes and get some things sorted out before we carry on with our evening plans." A sigh of relief leaves my mouth, and I slowly nod in response.

"What are the plans?" Luke looks over at Calum and shrugs his shoulders.

"It's a surprise." I huff in annoyance, causing Luke to squeeze my thigh in warning. He leans down and I feel his lips graze against my ear.

"Don't bring that attitude back. I will not hesitate to make Calum pull over so I can put you in your place." He whispers close to my ear, his voice low and raspy. I nod quickly, whimpering as his teeth tug on my ear lobe.

"Yes s-sir." I whisper back, him humming in approval.

"Good girl." He pulls back and begins to talk to Calum about MT and his plan, that I have yet to figure out.

"I just don't think we should be going along with this. I don't want to put them in-" He stops talking and clears his throat.

"I know. I'm nervous too, Luke. But Ashton," My eyes widen and my heart starts to race at the name, "knows what to do and I know we can trust him."

I fidget in Luke's lap, curious to know how Ashton is doing. Is he okay? Will I get to see him?

The car slows down and we turn into the parking lot of a familiar building. Luke opens the door and we get out. A familiar face suddenly appears and I squeal with delight. I run up and wrap my arms around Hayley.

"I feel like it's been forever." She laugh and hugs me back.

"I've missed you too, Annie." We finish our greeting and we both slide into the backseat of the car while Luke goes into the club.

Hayley and I catch up, mainly about school gossip, while Calum sits in the front seat clearly bored and unamused. I yawn excessively loud, extremely tired and ready to go home.

Luke returns to the car with a blank face, not ever looking back at me. I look at Hayley who simply shrugs and furrows her eyebrows at Calum's now hard expression.

"Let's go." He words are quick and dark, signaling Calum to pull out of the parking lot, which he quickly does.

"Where are we going now?" Luke doesn't answer, and instead reaches over and turns on the radio. Soft rock plays through the speakers, the silence we get from the two men striking up nerves in me and Hayley.

After a silent ride, minus the low music, that felt like it lasted forever, we pulled into a familiar location. Last time I was here, Ashton was making croissants.

We silently get out of the car, Hayley holds onto my hand to try to calm our fears. We walk inside and into the living room, following behind Luke and Calum. They motion for us to sit down, so we both move over and fall onto the couch.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Hayley, who simply shrugs with a panicked expression.

"Where the fuck is he?" Luke snaps, pulling his phone out of his pocket. I watch as he angrily types then holds it out between him and Calum. The phone starts to ring, informing Hayley and I he was calling someone.

"Be fucking patient, my god." The voice signals my heart to start racing and my leg to start bouncing in a mix of nerves and excitement.

"Where are you?" Calum asks Ashton while Luke looks very pissed.

"I'm almost there. I have to actually spend time with them to gain their trust." Hayley and I look over to each other, hoping the other would understand, but alas neither of us had a clue as to what was going on.

"This better fucking work, Ashton."

"Trust me, Luke, they think I'm on their side. In their eyes, I'm helping them play you." I chew on my bottom lip, wishing I had just gotten my parents up and made them get rid of Luke. Then I'd be sound asleep right now, not having to worry about the mess that is Luke's life.

"If this plan fails, if they g-" Luke sighs glancing over and me and Hayley before closing his eyes. "If it fails, you better get far away from me."

"And me." Calum chimes in. My mind races, putting pieces together one by one. As I start to make sense of tiny details, my hands start to shake and I lean over to Hayley.

"H-Hayley, I think we're b-bait." I whisper as quietly as I can with her still hearing it. She shakes her head, clearly not believing me. I send her a sad look, wishing I knew how to make her believe.

"They'll be fine. You know I wouldn't let anything bad happen to them. Especially A-" Luke quickly presses a button and pulls the phone up to his ear.

"I know. I don't like how you feel towards-" He stops again, grunting in frustration.

"I hate your exact feelings, but I trust you because of them." Hayley looks over at me with wide eyes now, understanding the point I previously made.

"Alright, yeah. Bye." He hangs up the phone and sighs, looking at Calum with a weary look.

"He's almost here. Then it's go time." Calum looks over at Hayley, chewing on his bottom lip.

"I'm going outside to wait." He mutters before leaving the room, and then the house. Luke runs a hand through his hair, and without saying a word follows behind Calum.

"What the hell is going on?" Hayley stands up and starts to pace around the room. I stand up to, trying to calm her down. I fail miserably, its hard to calm someone down when you yourself aren't calm.

"Maybe we're jumping to conclusions. I'm sure there's a good explanation." She snaps at me, turning her fear into anger.

"We are fucking bait, Annie!"

"Don't yell! They are just right outside." I plop back down on the couch, groaning in aggravation. Hayley quickly sits down when we hear the house door open. It closes softly and I swallow hard when Ashton walks into the room. He looks at me and then Hayley, then back at me for a moment before turning away.

"Guess I have some explaining to do, huh?"


uhm.. hi.


I love you all so much, thank you to those who have been here for me.

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