Blood Run Down

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I step outside of Annie's house, breathing heavy. My vision is slowly going blurry, my hands gripped in tight fists. I find myself standing in front of her neighbors car, staring at myself in the reflection. My face is bright red, tears threatening to fall.

I roll my eyes at my face, and groan as I pull my arm back and punch the car as hard as I can. I hit it again and again, until the glass of the window shatters and the car alarm starts to blare. 

"Fucking hell." I run off into the alley as the lights outside of the house come on. I make my way down the dark alley, muttering to myself, nearly blind with rage. I grab my phone and call Calum. 


"Hey man. I'm on my way." Calum coughs violently, most likely smoking with the other guys. 

"Oh dude. You fucking serious? Getcho ass up here. They're about to put Matt something Garrett up in there." I furrow my eyebrows, getting onto my bike I parked behind Annie's house. 

"Matthew Garrett? That punk ass kid in Annie's grade?" There's silence for a moment then a loud obnoxious laugh.

"Fuck man, I just nodded thinking you could see me." I roll my eyes at my annoyingly high mate. 

"What the hell is that little shit doing at our arena?" 

"How the fuck am I supposed to know that, you motherfucker?" I hear cheers on the other end as I start up my bike. 

"Man hurry, Heath just got up there to talk." 

"Keep Garrett out. This is mine." I drive down the alley and out onto the road, passing the pissed off neighbors. 

"Aight man, just don't bring your chick." I feel an ache in my chest as I scoff. 

"Don't worry about that." I mutter then hang up my phone. I slide it into my jacket pocket and speed down the road. I carelessly pass a couple cars, and cause them to swerve off road, resulting in them angrily honking at me. I simply flip them off and continue going 80 down a road with a 45 speed limit. 

I quickly pull into a parking lot and run to my destination. When I enter I hear yells from across the arena, I see Calum and Ashton drinking and smoking with some of our mates. I walk over to them and hand them my jacket. They point out my bloody hands and I shrug it off. 

"You left Annie?" Ashton says with a tone of concern. I roll my eyes and spit out into the floor. 

"Fuck that fucking bitch." I angrily string along words that I don't mean, and Ashton's face falls. He drops the subject and Calum jumps up, over enthusiastic. 

"Mate, James dropped so you get fight Garrett." I start to smirk and look over at the kid across the room. He's staring right back at me, an amused look plastered on his face.

A bell rings and I walk over to ring. I jump up and into the ring, and pat Heath on the back. Matthew jumps up, eyes on me the whole time. Heath says a few pointless words then the round starts. Matthew and I stay a few inches apart, moving in a circle. 

"I am so excited to beat your face in." I smirk and throw a punch at him, which he dodges. 

"Do you think Annie will like to hear about you beating up her friend?" I throw another punch which he dodges again.  "You fucking know no-" He cuts me off by throwing a punch right to my face. I stumble back slight. That motherfucker trying to distract me. I growl deeply and punch him back right in the gut. 

"All I know is that you don't deserve her." He dodges my throw to his face. 

"You don't think I know that?" I hit him square in the jaw, and he returns the blow. I spit to the side. 

"She's perfect and I'm a fucking psychopath. She deserves someone smart and happy and kind and romantic. Someone that will take care of her. Not someone that fantasizes about fucking her senseless and throwing her around like a rag doll. Some days I feel the urge to fucking hurt her. Not in a sexual way. Like knife to her throat way." I don't even notice that the two of us have put our hand down and are just standing in the middle talking.

"Have you told her this?" I raise my eyebrows.  "Are you for real? Oh hey baby, can I cut you? I want to see your blood run down your skin. Yeah, that'll go down real well." Matthew scrunches up his nose.

A shout sounds throughout the arena, and I snap my head to see a fire starting in the stands.

"Fuck. Everyone get out, now." Heath yells and everyone files out of the building. As we exit out into the parking lot, I stand around my mates as Garrett walks up to me. 

"You really like her?" I nod almost instantly. 

"I love her." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. 

"Man.. I don't know what to tell you. You've got to keep her safe." 

"How do I keep her safe when I'm dangerous myself?" I groan in frustration. 

"You can't be with her. If you love her and want her to be safe, you have to distance yourself from her. Keep people that you know in her life, so you can make sure she's in safe hands... But stay away from her." I bite my lip and squint at the kid in front of me. I sigh and roll my head. 

"You.. You're right. Take care of her." He opens his mouth to say something, but a loud motor causes us to turn our heads to Ashton's truck pulling out of the lot. I turn to Calum who just shrugs. I take a deep breath when a realization sets in my mind. 

"Ashton, what have you been up to..?" I mumble to myself and go hop on my bike.

"C'mon Garrett, let's go see what Irwin is up to."

ur screwed

new chapter never before seen on tv coming up next guys

love you all xx

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