Disrespectful Little Brat

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I sit patiently on the bed, waiting for Luke's arrival. Ashton told me that he was on his way back, and that he had told him to make sure I was in my room ready for him.

As Ashton told me to go to my room, he made sure that I knew that Luke could not know. I understood, but I started to feel guilty.

I would hate it if Luke were to kiss another girl then hide it from me. I don't understand what came over me. After we kissed for the first time, I felt strange. I don't know if it was a good feeling or a bad feeling.

All that I do know is that after Ashton told me what a bad thing it was, he was on top of me for the next 10 minutes. He made sure to not leave any marks, because we both knew that Luke would see them immediately.

He held me so carefully, yet so rough. He was harsh like Luke in a sort of way, but he was also gentle and soft. The entire time his lips were on mine, I felt so good and so bad, for reasons I don't know. It wasn't guilt that I felt, it was a strange feeling. It made the kiss seem bad, but the kiss wasn't bad. The kiss was amazing. I was a whimpering mess under Ashton. My nails dug into his back as his hand tightened around my throat. It was something that I don't understand, and don't know if I will ever understand.

My thoughts are interrupted when an angered Luke steps into my room. His arms are crossed and he looks at me with a glare. For a moment I fear that he knows.

"Annie." He steps further into my room, standing in front of me. I sit on my bed, legs dangling off. I nod my head and he raises his eyebrows at me. I understand and I open my mouth to speak.

"Yes?" He smiles softly, then a harsh look takes over his face again.

"You know what you did wrong, yes?" Does he know?

"Yes, sir."

"I will not let you get away with it." His eyes turn dark, and I start to feel my body shake.

"You were very disobedient before I left." I feel a wave of relief pass through me, but the look on his face keeps me afraid still.

"How do I punish such a disobedient and disrespectful little brat?" He reaches up and I flinch as he brushes the hair out of my face. My heart races as I look away from his face and notice something in his pocket.

His knife. No. He wouldn't. He notices my stare, and relaxes slightly.

"Don't worry, princess. You haven't made me that mad." He chuckles as if what he said was an incredibly funny joke. As he reaches for my face again, his phone goes off.

He groans and picks it up. I sigh deeply as he walks away for a moment. When he comes back he quickly takes off his thick belt.

"Gotta make this quick." He mumbles and pushes me back to where i'm fully on the bed. He then flips me over and yanks down my pants and panties. He doesn't prepare me or anything, just slams his belt down on my butt.

I scream out, embarrassingly loud. He mutters out a couple curses, then slams it down again. I scream again, feeling the pain spread throughout my body.

"P-Please!" I whine out and try to crawl away. "It h-hurts." He snaps at me to shut up, and pulls me back closer to him. He slams again, more on my barely covered back than my butt.

I scream again and try to kick him, but this results in him hitting me with the belt over and over in the same spot without stopping. Sobs escape my mouth violently, as I desperately push away until I find myself falling off the bed.

Once I hit the ground I scream out again, feeling the sobs shake my body. The pain on my back and butt throbbing excruciatingly. Luke drops his belt and kneels down, shushing me and brushing through my hair. He gently pulls me up and lays my head on his lap.

"Baby.. shh.. You're okay.. There's no need to cry." I feel something snap in me, and I push myself away from him. I struggle to stand up, but when I get all the way I turn and glare at him.

"There's no n-need to c-cry?" I do my best to yell at him through my sobs. "My boyfriend, if I can even call you that, is a psychopath! You hurt me and you don't see anything wrong with it! You treat me like a doll for you amusement only. I have many reasons to cry, and I'm about to get rid of them. You are bad for me, Luke. You don't truly care for me. And until you change... Don't bother talking to me." I shock myself, and Luke, for making it through that without a single stutter. Luke looks up at me with a look of fear and pain, and I swear I can see tears forming in his eyes.

"Get out of my house." I shake violently and point to my door. "Now." He hesitantly gets up, and reaches for me.

"Princess..." I push him back and point to my door. He bites his lip and stumble out. Once I hear him go down the stairs and out the door, I fall to the ground, sobbing again. I curl up into a ball and hold myself on the floor.

damn whatta diiiiick



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