Head Kisses

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"You're parents will be home tomorrow.." I sigh deeply and snuggle closer to the warm body next to me.

"Don't r-remind me.." I mutter, staring at the television in my living room. He keeps an arm around me, and switches through channels with the remote in his other hand. I look up at him and bite my lip.

"Have you heard from him.." He looks down at me and set the remote on the couch. He takes his free hand and brushes hair out of my face.

"I'm sorry, Annie.. I haven't.." I nod my head and look down, closing my eyes and leaning my head against his shoulder. I feel lips press against the top of my head and the arm around me tighten.

"I wish he would man up and come see you.. I hate seeing you like this." I feel my eyes fill with tears, and I try to blink them away.

"I-It's fine.. He hurt me.. I c-can't trust him." His hand grasps my jaw gently, lifting my head up. His eyes pour into mine.

"Annie.. You know he didn't mean any of that. You mean so much to him." A tear slips from my eye, and his finger brushes it away. My eyes stay locked with his as his finger begins to trace around my face softly.

"I j-just wish he would treat me better.." He nods slowly, as if in a trance. His finger continues to draw little designs on my face.

"I wish he would care about my feelings. All the t-time." My eyes flutter closed, my words becoming softer. I feel a warm air against my lips, and feel myself slowly pushing towards it, but my eyes jerk open with the warm body jerks off the couch and stand up straight.

"I.. I just remembered, I have..a meeting.." He stumbles around trying to find his shoes, and I stare up at him.

"I'm sorry.." He stops for a moment and smiles sadly down at me.

"Don't be sorry, Annie. You're hurting, I understand. I'm trying so hard not to let you do something you'll regret while you're feeling this way." I think about what he says for a moment and then sigh. He's right. I'm hurting and he is here comforting me, resulting in me having strange, but seemingly meaningless feelings towards him.

"Still.. I'm s-sorry Ashton." He leans down and kisses my head again.

"Try to sleep, Annie. You woke up quite a bit last night. Just take a little nap while I'm gone." I sigh and nod in response. He drapes a blanket over me, and I get comfortable underneath it as he leaves my house.

I stare up at the television, switching to the cartoon channel. My eyelids droop, feeling heavy. I see a blurry tom and jerry chase each other around as my slowly eyes shut completely.

My eyes snap open to the shrill sound piercing the air around me. I try to block it out, but the ringing keeps reaching my ears. I stand up and make my way to the phone. When I answer it, there is silence for a few seconds.

"Who's there?" I say, greeted by silence again. I start to hang up the phone when I hear a scratchy voice.

"Annie." My heart races, and my mouth dries.

"L-Luke.." Silence.

"I m-miss you, Luke." Silence again. I stand in confusion, wondering why he called if he wasn't planning to talk. I stay still, listening to the silence as I begin to understand why he called.

"How are you d-doing, Luke?" He called to hear my voice. To check on me.

"Ash-I've been w-worried." I thought of mentioning Ashton, but I feared it was cause his mind to wander.

"I wish I could see you, but I think I understand why you've b-been distant." I pick at the hem of my shirt, nervously.

"It's b-because you're afraid. You don't want to hurt me again. You're afraid you won't b-be able to control yourself. I understand.." I bite my lip as tears fill my eyes.

"I s-still want to see you. Make sure you're alright." Silence is all that greets me.

"I miss you." I sigh, wanting to hear his voice.

"I love you, Annie." The line goes dead as I stare off into the distance. My mind attempts to understand what was just said.

I love you, Annie.

I set the phone down and slowly back up. Love. He loves me. My knees wobble as I feel uneasy. They buckle and I crash to the floor, curling up into a ball. I violently shake, not crying.. only shaking.. The front door opens and I hear a cheerful voice, and a loud gasp.

"Hey.. Come here, little one." I'm pulled to a hard chest, and held tight by strong arms.

"What happened?" I look up at Ashton and forget how to speak.

"He.." Ashton realizes who I'm talking about and his face softens.

"He came by?" I shook my head. "He called." I nodded and Ashton nodded back.

"What did he say, angel?" I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to comprehend what was happening.

"He.. He loves me?" Ashton sucks in a harsh breath. His grip around me tightens protectively, and a kiss is placed on my head. The kiss triggers something inside of me, and my body breaks down as I sob into Ashton's chest.

prepare yourself

fyi, for those of you who did not read possessive before it was deleted, there will be some romance between Ashton and Annie. i like to be realistic with my writing, and i know that realistically if i were in this situation i would develop feelings for the man who showed me care and affection, no matter how much i love the other man who treats me horribly.

however this is a luke fanfic, so before you criticize me for "tricking" you, just know that it is a luke fanfiction.

Love you all

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