Do not disrespect me

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"Come out here." He moves back a little bit and motions for me to come out onto the roof with him.

"N-no! I'm sorry... I'm supposed to be going to sleep! M-my parents would be so angry if they found out!! Now g-goodnight." I go to shut the window, but he moves his hand to where i couldn't shut it all the way. I squeak when I see his hand, and get afraid that I hurt him.

"I'm so s-sorry! Are you okay?" Luke takes a breath and pushes the window open.

"I'd be better if you came out here." I mumble some arguments under my breath, but eventually give in and crawl out the window. The cold air hit my body and I remember how little I was wearing. I shriek and turn around to go back inside to get more clothes on, but I feel large hands grab my hip and pull me back.

"Where do you think you're going, little girl?" I look up at Luke and huff.

"I'm not d-dressed a-appropriately.." I mumble quietly, where Luke could barely hear my words.

"Say that again, doll." I shake my head and Luke responds by grabbing my chin and forcing my face up towards his. His eyes are dark and he has a hard gaze into mine.

"Tell me what you said." I chew on my bottom lip for a few seconds and then repeat what I said moments before. Luke chuckles and rolls his eyes when he lets go of my chin.

"You are dressed perfectly for me." I feel his hands grab onto my hips again, and then trail down my thighs. I feel goosebumps rise where he touches me, and I try to scoot away, but he didn't let me get far from him.

"However, you will need more clothing for where we are going." He turn and crawl through the window into my room. I follow behind him quickly and watch as he starts to go through my dresser drawers.

"What do you m-mean, where we are going?" I whisper as he starts pulling out my underwear. He stops and looks at one that was pastel pink with a white bow. He chuckles and mutters "cute", and I feel my cheeks heat up. I walk over to him and take my panties and put them back in the drawer, then shut it.

"I c-can't leave, my parent would-" Luke turns and put his hand over my mouth. He leans in and whispers close to my ear, "You will listen to me, little girl. You don't want a repeat of what happened in the car, do you?" I feel a whimper come out involuntarily, and I shut my eyes and shake my head. "That's my good girl." He removes his hand and opens a new drawer. He finally finds some jeans he was happy with, and tells me to put them on. I happily obey and feel much better when I am dressed appropriately.

I follow him back over to the window and climb out behind him again. He walks over to the edge, and I gasp when I watch him jump off. "Luke!" I whisper shout and run over to the edge. I look down to see him standing looking up at me.

"Jump, sweetheart." I widen my eyes and shake my head.

"Y-You're joking, r-right??" Luke chuckles and I feel my heart racing with nervousness.

"I'll catch you. I promise. Now listen to me, Princess, and jump." I walk to the very end of the roof and take a deep breath.

"Please catch me.." I beg and I jump off towards Luke. I screw my eyes shut, and shortly feel a slight contact, and something squeezing me.

"You're okay, Annie." I open my eyes and saw Luke looking down at me, and realize he was holding me up. He caught me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and wrap my arms around his neck. He slowly let me down, but I keep my arms around his neck.

"You can let go, it's okay." I blush deeply and release his neck from my grip. "S-sorry..."

"It's okay, I know that was a little frightening. But you're okay now. I'll always keep you safe doll." I nod my head in response, and grab tightly onto his hand. If only Hayley could see me now. I don't know if she would be proud or ashamed. Sneaking off at night with a scary man I met a day ago. It was stupid and foolish, and I was scared. But at the same time, I was excited, and I felt safe.

Luke tugs on my arm slightly and we begin to walkdown the street. It was dark out, and couldn't see much, but Luke was leading me so I didn't need to worry. When Luke was with me, I felt safe. I felt like I could never be harmed. I barely knew him, so it was very foolish of me, but I didn't seem to care about that.

"You okay? We are almost there." He spoke to me after quite a few minutes of walking.

"Yes, I'm g-good. W-where are we going?" I mutter quietly, slightly afraid of not knowing. He chuckles and points ahead towards a building that was lit up with bright lights, and loud music was coming from inside. A bar. I stop abruptly and start to shake.

"No, no, no.. I-I'm too young.. I c-can't.. Luke that's a b-bar. w-what-" Luke cuts me off with his hand over my mouth again. "Annie, you are going in there with me. I have business I need to attend to, and there are other men in there with girls like you so you won't be the only one there. Hell, you're probably not even the youngest." I shake my head and he rolls his eyes at me. "You're going in, okay? So you better be good in there and obey me, okay? Do not disrespect me, or any of the men in there, or I swear to fucking God, you will regret it. Understand?" I whimper and feel tears form in my eyes. "Princess, don't cry.. I promise I'll keep you safe. You just gotta be a good girl." I nod slowly and he removes his hand.

"Okay, let's go."


i love you allllll

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