Chapter 38

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Courtney POV
Matt asked where we were going about 1044837402 times but I won't tell him

We were jamming out to happy on the radio when I saw a sign that said welcome to six flags!

He turned to me silently screaming and he looked back at me with that goofy smile of his and I said "excited much?"

"OMIGOD YAS!!!" He screamed. "I love theme parks!!"

Then I got an idea.

When we were walking in, I drifted away from him because I didn't want him to pay for me and then I felt someone grab my hips.

I'm wicked afraid of rapists so I started screaming.

"Courtney! It's just me!" I heard Matt say from behind me.

"Omigod Matt you scared me so much!" I said to him laughing.

"Why did you walk away from me?" He asked.

"I want to pay for my own ticket." I stated "and I knew if I went with you, you wouldn't let me do that."

"And you were right!" He said to me and dragged me into another line.

"Two please!" He said excitedly.

"No Matt, I can pay." I told him.

"No you can't!" He said.

"Why not?" I asked him.

Then he started waving my pink wallet that said PINK above his head.

"That's why." He said as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Fine!" I said laughing.

When we got into the park, we went on so many roller coasters I couldn't even keep track. We shared some voting candy at a snack stand and he tried to win me a stuffed animal but couldn't and eventually let me try.

I got it on my first try.

"Happy birthday!" I said, handing him the despicable me minion.

"This game is so rigged." He said, pretending to be mad while taking the minion.

It was already 9 so we decided to head home because we didn't want to leave at the same time as everyone else.

Matt POV
Today is one of my best birthdays ever and I'm so happy I got to spend it with Courtney. She looked like she was having so much fun.

Afterwards, we both went to mcdonalds to get something to eat. She got a snack wrap and I got a cheeseburger and fries and we both got a shamrock shake.

After that, I texted Gracie.

To: Gracie🐠
Make sure none of the decorations are out! Were on our way rn

She texted me back about 1 second later😂

From: Gracie🐠
It's all away!

Good. I want Courtney to be really surprised.

Gracie POV
Me and Maeve went out today with her friend Sarah to get some supplies for Courtney's party (food, supplies, soda) and after we went to the movies to see divergent.

When I got home I just left everything at the door and took a shower and went on instagram while I watched spongebob (my fave tv show😂) and then I got a text from Matt telling me to hide all the supplies.

Good thing he reminded me or I would've ruined the whole thing.

Courtney came home right when I finished putting all the stuff away and hidden. She filled me in on everything that happened on her date today. They're just too cute!!

"We haven't hung out it forever! How about we go zip lining tomorrow?!" I ask her.

"Yeah! that sounds like so much fun! We haven't hung out just the two of us in forever!" She said.

Oh thank god she said yes.

We both said good night to each other and went our separate ways to go to bed.

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