chapter 61

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Gracie POV

I woke up with Cameron next to me and all the guys that were here last night were spread out on the floor. Im usually the first one up. Its only 8:30. I dodge everyone on the floor and step out onto the little deck thing.

We are on the seventh floor so its a pretty nice view. I stood at the railing looking out into the blue ocean. Then I felt something grab my waist.


By the time I spin around I see that its Cam. "You scared me so much" I scream-wispered. He pulled me closer and asked me if I was ready for Disney World later today. "Im so excited!!!" I tell him. Then I see Jack Johnson walk out onto the deck.
He says "Was good?" Me and Cam both say "Good morning"

After about 5 minutes of just talking us three decide to go down to get bagels.

I change into jean shorts and a tank top and put my hair in a messy bun. Ill just get ready for disney later.

While we were walking out we hear a voice "Where ya going" we turn around and its Matthew. He was sitting up in the bed next to Courtney who was sound asleep. Cameron tells him to get some bagels. He wants to come so all four of us go out.

Jack G POV
I have decided to wait a while to tell Gracie that I love her. Probably after we get home. Later today we are going to Disney World and then tomorrow we are going home.

When I look over at the bed next to me I see Aaron all sprawled out. He must've came in after he went to the girls room last night. I crashed pretty early.

I text Matt

To: Matt🏄
Hey do you know when were going to the park?

From: Matt🏄
Hey and ya Im pretty sure we are leaving at like 12:30

To: Matt🏄
Okay, Thanks man!

From: Matt🏄
No prob! Ill probably come back to the room in a little while. See you soon.

I am still confused about Gracie. I really do love her but she loves Cam right now. I will just wait a little and see what happens. They just CANT get married.

Now I just have to wait a few hours until we leave for Disneyyy!

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