Chapter 39

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Cournteys POV

I woke up at about 9:45 and went down stairs to find Gracie making pancakes. She said good morning and told me to get dressed, the pancakes will be done when you get down stairs.

I go up to my room and look at my clothes. I choose black soffee shorts and my blue teeshirt from my cheer team. Also I put on my back nike free runs.

I go back down stairs and walk into the kitchen while singing 5sos. I eat my pancakes and Gracie says we should go. I jump into the passenger seat and look at directions on google maps to get to the mountain. Its estimated to be about an hour and 10 minute drive. Its only 10:30 and our appointment thing is at 12:00, so we should get there on time.

Since its a long drive Gracie hooks up her phone to the speakers, and plays our
"Fav songs" playlist. We just talk about our boyfriends and sing along to the music. Finally we get to the mountain. We walk into the little store place and check in. They take us over to the equipment and give us the harnesses.

After we get our equipment we walk outside over to this little hut. They tell us we can either hike up to the top, or get driven up in a four wheeler. Of course we pick get driven up!

The instructor lady starts up her car and we buckle in. On the way up it is a very bumpy and muddy ride. Finally we reach the top and the instructor tells us what to do. We step up on the first platform. The lady straps me in and counts down
and I jump.

WHOAHHH this is the coolest feeling in the world! Its like I am flying over all the trees. The wind is blowing. Then I remember I have to pull the break. I pull it and land on another platform. Then I unstrap myself and see and hear Gracie coming down. Then she stops. And we start laughing and talking about how scary and fun this is.

We go down 7 more zip lines, some are even longer and faster than the first one! We go down the last one and bring our equipment back to the hut.


Gracie POV
After we finish zip lining I check my phone. Its only 4:00. I have to stall some more since we can be home for another three hours, so I ask her if she wants to hike up to the top of the mountain. She says "Why not!" but I have to run to the car to get my Camera.

Btw I really want to be a photographer
so why not grab my good camera from the car and take some pictures from the top.

It takes us about 45 minutes to get to the top. We are the only ones up there. I take a few pictures and then a panorama. It is beautiful from the top. You can see a forest on one side then a little bit of the ocean also. After were up there for about 30 minutes we hike back down which takes us 45 minutes. By the time we get into the car its already 6:00 I still have an hour and a half until I can be home. halfway home I get off an exit and stop at Bertuccis. We just split a pizza. By 7:15 were in the road again. We get to our street and start driving down. I text Matthew

To: Matthew🏄
Hey were down the street. Get ready!

From: Matthew
all set! see ya soon

Courtneys POV

As we get closer and closer to our house I see a bunch of familiar cars. So I ask Gracie whats going on. She tells me that Aaron wanted to have a few friends over to go swimming and since we trust him he can. Ok. We get out and walk up the stairs. I open the door and its dark.

Then the lights start flickering and Matthew, Jack, Jack, Maeve, Shawn, Cam, Aaron, Carter, Nash, Taylor, and even people Ive never seen before all pop out and yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Then Matthew runs to me, picks me up, and spins me around. He kisses me on the cheek and everyone cheers. Then I realize how ratchet me and Gracie look so we tell them that we have to go clean up and we'll be down soon.

On the way up I ask Gracie if she new about this. She replied "of course I did" I say thank you. She goes to the guest bathroom and takes a shower and I go to my room to take a shower.

Gracies POV

After I take a shower I try to figure out what to wear. I make my final decision and pick my black and white tight tribal print skirt and my red muscle tank-top that Cam is also wearing with cargo shorts😍I decide to blow dry and straighten my hair then I put on eye liner, mascara, and lipgloss. I see that Courtney is still in the shower so I go downstairs.

Now its about 8:30 and the people here have doubled. I dont even know less than half of them. Some of these guys here are pretty hot but Cameron's still my favvv. I pass Aaron and Carter who are talking to some girls, they introduce me to them and they seem nice, but I still need to find Cameron.

There are teenagers everywhere, in the living room, in the kitchen, in the sunroom, in the dining room, out on the back deck and backyard they are all dancing. Then I start to notice that some people are drinking alcohol.
Ew thats gross, what ever but they better not get too drunk. Then I see Georgia. My stomach drops. Shes grinding with some boy. She looks tipsy. I avoid her and go back to my search for Cameron. Then I see him out on the deck talking to Maeve and Shawn. I run over to him and hug him so tight. I say hey to Shawn and Maeve and we start talking. Then Shawn introduces me to his friend Sammy Wilkinson. Whoah he is attractive but Cam. He says "Hey Gracie, cool party!" "Thanks" then he eyes Maeve and I can see Shawn is getting kinda angry

As me and Cameron are walking through a big sea of random people in my kitchen I see that Courtney is with Matthew.
I say "awh theyre adorable" to Cameron. Then he laughs and says "so are youu baby" I blush. Then he asks me "a bunch of people are going to play truth or dare wanna go?" I tell him "Ya Ill meet you there, I'm gonna go get a water"

Then he winks at me and starts to go upstairs with a big group of people. With in that group I see Georgia and one of her friends from her "army". Oh god I think to my self. On the way to my fridge I pass a couple making out hard core. I slide past them and get a water. I slowly make my way through the crowd, people introducing me to other people. Then I see Sammy dancing really really close to Maeve and Shawn is in the other room. I dont know what to do. Should I tell Maeve to stop or let her keep dancing with Sammy? I just let it go.

I walk upstairs and into the guest room. There are about 12 people sitting in a circle on the floor. I quickly glance over and see two people making out.

Oh god


this cant be

its Cameron and one of Georgia's best friend.

Cam must have seen me because he pushed her off. I dont even show any emotion. I run into my room and lock the door. I take off he red tank and put on a different shirt. I run downstairs because I need to talk to JackG. He always helps me. When I see him he is grinding on Sarah. Wow. I thought I knew him better than that. He would never ever ever do that with a girl he barely knows. I quickly walk out side. I see Cameron looking through all the people. Hes calling my name. Oh god. I pretend that I didn't see him. I turn and walk right back into the kitchen. I must look sad because Carter and Aaron came over to me and asked what happened. I replied "Oh nothing, its just that my house looks like it got hit by a bomb." They laugh and go back to talking.

I see Jack and Sarah still going at it. Me and Jack lock eyes and he stops dancing and says something to Sarah. He makes his way over to me. I see Cam coming and pull Jack into the sunroom.

Jack says "Hey whats wrong Gracie?"
I answered "Umm Ill be fine"
He said "No seriously what happened? Was it Cameron?"
Tears rolled down my cheek as I replied "well kinda, I saw him kissing one of Georgia's friends"
He pulled me into a hug.
"Who even invited that chick? No one likes her."
I tell him how a bunch of people have crashed it.
He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked outta the sunroom. Just as Georgia was waddling by.
"Heeeeey gurrrrrl" she slurred
Jack laughed "Get out of here you drunk"

We went back to dancing and this time Cameron picked me up and threw me over his shoulders and carried me out to the porch. I didn't show any emotion.

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