Chapter 41

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Gracie POV
I just...

I can't...

I don't even know...

I feel like...

Every thing that has happened in the past 30 minutes is a blur. I'm just going to go to bed.

A lot of people have already left because it's already after midnight. I go upstairs to my room and I sigh thankfully to see that there's nobody in my bed or evidence of anyone in my room. I know there's going to be a HUGE mess to clean up in the morning (especially in the bathroom) so I don't shower, I just change into some soffes and one of my old swim team tshirts. I throw my hair into a messy bun and fall asleep almost instantly. I just don't feel like thinking anymore.

Courtney POV
Everyone left around 1am so it's just me and Matt downstairs because Gracie fell asleep upstairs already. "What do you want to do?" Matt asked me.

"Well," I say looking around "I think we should start cleaning up this mess" jeez this place is a freaking mess. "I'm surprised were not somewhere over the rainbow because of the tornado that just came through" (LIKE THE WIZARD IF OZ OMG AHAHAHHA) and we both start laughing so hard because it's kinda the stupidest joke ever.

After we finally finish laughing and wipe our tears, Matt says "nah let's leave the cleaning to the munchkins" trying not to laugh. I playfully punch his arm and say "hey, that's my jokeee!!"

We end up just watching the spongebob square pants movie for a little bit and he goes home at about 230 am.

I was about to get into bed when I heard Gracie crying from her room.

I walked over to her door, lightly knocked and pushed the door open lightly. I saw her hugging/punching the bear cam gave her.

I'm guessing she forgot to take off her makeup because I could see black streaks down her face like trails for her tears. "Omigod Gracie!! What happened?!" I asked her with a worried look on my face.

"He-he-he" *breathe* "k-k-k-kiss-iss-ed" *breathe* "th-hah-aht" *breathe* "s-s-s-s-slu-uh-t-t" *punches bear* I sit on the edge of her bed for a second, trying to understand her and as soon as I understand what she's saying, I wrap my arms around her and we stay like that for at least 10 minutes until she looks up at me and says "why does this stuff happen to me?"

I hate seeing her cry, she's my best friend. She only cries when something's really really bad. I just keep hugging her and I tell her that she should talk to cam, maybe she walked in the wrong place at the wrong time.

She looked at me again almost confused. "I can't even look at him" she said, crying "I can't even bring myself to think about talking to him ever again. I trusted him. I would've trusted him with my life but now, I wouldn't be able to trust him to throw away one of my old candy wrappers. The fame gets to him, he can have any girl in the world. How could I be so stupid to think that out of all the girls in the world, he would choose me?"

I looked at her and told her that she should never say that about herself. I told her that she could have any guy in this world and she chose him and the fact that she and cam chose each other isn't a coincidence, it's destiny and she should never let that go.


Cameron POV
I woke up at 630 getting a call from Courtney.

{c🐙-cam, c🍍-courtney}

C🐙 OMIGOD Courtney thank you so much for calling!! I really needed to talk to you.

C🍍 yeah I need to talk to you too!!! What happened last night?!?! Gracie told me you cheated on her!!! You break my best friend and I break your-

C🐙 Courtney!!! Do you really think I would ever do that?! ESPECIALLY with one of Georgina's stupid minions?!

C🍍 no I don't but Gracie sure does!! You better find a way to talk to her!!! I was up all night last night watching her hug/punch that giant teddy bear you gave her and cry!! I hate seeing her like that and I know you would too

C🐙 I'm trying to figure something out right now! Can you talk to her and try to convince her to talk to me??

C🍍 I tried to get her to look at your instagram last night, just to get her used to look at your face but she just couldn't. She said every time she looks at you or even thinks about you, her heart shatters into a billion pieces. She doesn't want to fall for you again and she'll do anything she can to make sure it doesn't happen.

C🐙 I have a plan! But I might need some of yours and the guys help.

C🍍 okay! What ever you need, I'll do!

C🐙 okay.... Here's what we're going to do......

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