Chapter 114

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Gilinsky POV

Last night I was hanging out with Gracie. Alone. We just went in the pool and then chilled on the deck. While we were just sitting listening to Ryan Beatty, we both stopped everything and looked at each other. We both leaned in and ya know we kissed for a while but then Court and Matt came out so we pulled away. We have never ever not gotten interrupted. I honestly don't know why we keep kissing but Im totally fine with it.

Last night I left right after they interrupted us. I wanted to stay but it would have been very awkward.

I just woke up and its about 11am, I never wake up this late. I roll out of bed and go downstairs. In the kitchen there is a note

I went out with Nancy (friend from college) for the day. Ill be home by 10pm. xoxo
love mum

I pour myself some cheerios and go through twitter. I get a text

From: Bruh👨💕 *(AKA Gracie)*
Put on your board shorts Ill be at your house in 15

To: Bruh👨💕
k see ya

I finish my cereal and go to put my bathing suit on. I wonder where we are going. What ever.

Its been about 15 minutes so I wait outside in my swim trunks with out a shirt. I see her jeep in Johnson's driveway so I run over. Sam is in the front and Jack comes running out the door.

Me and Jack hop in the back.

"Hey guys" I say

I see her look in the mirror at me "Sup"

"Where are we going?" Sam asks

She turns on the radio "A place"

"Just tell us" Johnson begs

"pllllllease" I say

"bruh. chill" she laughs

We've been driving down the highway for about 15 minutes just talking about random stuff. She finally exits the highway and we're in a town I don't really ever come to, except for the dentist.

She drives around for a few minutes and stops when we get on a bridge over a river.

"lets go boys" she yells getting out of the car

We all jump out and stand in the middle of the bridge overlooking the water.

"Wait, are we gonna jump?" Sam asks

Gracie smiles so big "yes!"

"How deep is it at the bottom?" I ask

"Well, I saw people jumping off when I got lost going to the dentist a few days ago and its high tide right now so we wont die" She says

We go to the same dentist

Sam looks down at the water "Looks good to me" he cheers

"Lets do this" Gracie exclaims

Me, Johnson, and Sam take our shirts. Gracie climbs up the rail and stands on the top. Then we get up.

I see Sam grab her hand and she blushes. I hope he doesn't try to make a move on her.

"on three!" She screams

I yell "One!"

Jack J yells "Two"

"Three" Jack shouts

Then Gracie screams "JUMP"

We all jump. Its actually a pretty big drop. When we hit the water, we thankfully don't hit the bottom. We all swim up to take a breath, except Gracie. We wait about 10 extra seconds but I start to get nervous "She would be back up by now, right?" I ask

"Ya probably" Jack J answers

I open my eyes and dive under, its not very clear so I don't have very good visibility. I swim back up and shes still under. We're all panicking.

I see someone shoot up out of the water and hear a big breath. I look over and see her laughing like crazy.

"Oh my god are you okay? You scared me so much!" I scream

"I have good lungs" She laughs

"Jesus Gracie" Sam chuckles

Jack J splashes her and we have a splash fight. We get cold and tired so we swim over to the edge and walked out. On the way up the bridge Sam puts his arm around Gracie. That makes me a little jealous. Sam pulls her closer and she puts her arm around him, that makes me a lot jealous.

We get to the car and I wrap my towel around me, I jump in the passenger seat before Sam gets there. Once we're all buckled in she starts driving.

"Its 12:30, do you want to get lunch or something?" Sam asks

"Im grossss" Gracie complains

Sam says "shut up your perfect"

WHOAH man that kid needs to back off.

"Shut up" Gracie tells Sam

oooh rejected.

"What ever, can we just go to chipotle?" Johnson asks

"Gracie doesn't like chipotle" I answer

Gracie looks over to me "Aw you know me so well"

"Pizza?" I ask her

"Pizza." she replies

"Im down for pizza" Sam says

"Agreed" Johnson yells

Gracie turns onto the highway "Im feeling the Flatbread vibes, can we go there?"

We all agree to go to Flatbread.

Gracies POV

"Table for four please?" I tell the hostess

"Right this way" she smiles

We sit down in a booth and eat our pizza. I get a really good idea. So I just interrupt Sam, who is talking about a sharknado.


"Wait that would be wicked fun" Johnson says

Sam nods "Yess"

"Can we actually, please?" Gilinsky asks

"I have tents and tarps and fishing rods, all we need is a lake, a forrest, and a date" I tell them excitedly

"I have a canoe and theres a lake where we can camp about 2 hours away" Sam announces

We're all really excited right now

"Sweet, who's coming?" Jack J asks

"Well I have one big tent that can fit 6, then one two person tent. So us four, Ill ask Nash and Hayes and who ever else wants to come" I say

"Nice! Can we go next weekend?" Gilinsky asks.

"Im down" I reply


Sorry this isnt the best chapter but we'll try to update again tomorrow. Thank you!

peace n love


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