Chapter 50

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Nash POV

"What the actual?" I say to Georgia.
"Huh?" she asks acting stupid. "Sorry but we don't need any drama this weekend. Plus I never invited you anywhere." I tell her. Then she sighs really loud and storms off.

"Glad shes gone" Matt says

Mahogany chimes in "But we cant kick her out of the event, well whatever lets just go and figure that out later"

After about a 10 minute walk we FINALLY get to the restaurant. They take us through the dining room and say we can sit in a private room with a big long table. We thank the waiter and everyone sits down. I sit in between Cameron and Aaron. But I don't see jack any where.

"Hey guys, where's jack?" Is ask everyone. They all shrug their shoulders so I just text him.

Jack G POV
They uninvited Georgia from coming to the restaurant so when they all left I iust decided to stay behind to get my plan into action.

"Hey Georgia, wait up!!" I called after her when she started to walk away and everyone was out of earshot. "Can I ask you for a favor?"

"Sure" she said winking at me.

"Ew no not for me, for cam." I said shaking my head.

"What do I have to do and what do I get in return?" She asked me.

"I want you to get cam to start having feelings for you and I'll give you VIP tickets to magcon this weekend.

"Isn't that slut Gracie going out with cam?" She asked me.

I could feel my fist clench and my jaw tense up but I tried my best to look at her calmly and say "do you want the tickets or not?"

"Of corse!" She said. "What do I do first?"

I told her the plan and I walked back to my hotel room feeling successful. Gracie will finally be with me and not cam, she doesn't realize that after a little bit with a girl, he moves on to the next one. I'm not like that and I love Gracie, cam doesn't.

Gracie POV
Georgia walked into Berticci's alone.

and sat at a table alone.

And ordered alone.

And ate alone.

I hope she dies.


Then she walked over to our table.


And started talking to cam.


I was sitting with Maeve and shawn and Courtney because I wanted to let cam sit alone with his friends but I didn't think something like this would happen.

She kept touching his arms and his leg a few times and he wasn't even telling her to get off. All the guys looked kinda disgusted but he didn't.

Eventually I couldn't watch them anymore so i told Courtney and Maeve and shawn that I was going to the bathroom. I just washed my hands and then I heard the door shut again.

"He's going to be mine." I heard the person say.


It was Georgia.

Doesn't she know that we don't like her?

"You obviously saw him enjoying my company." she said.

I didn't even look at her, I just walked out. I walked straight past cam, waving at Jack j so can knew that I was mad at him.

I didn't talk to him the whole way home even when he tried to sit next to me in the limo, I just moved over to the empty seat next to Courtney. She was talking to Matt but as soon as she saw me she told him she'd be back in a second and turned to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"I'll tell you when we got to our room." I told her. She nodded her head and went back to talking to Matt.

The drive home was about 15 minutes so I just went on my phone. After about 5 minutes, I got a text from cam.

From: Cameron Dallas is my boyfrienddd💕😏
Is everything okay babe?😘

I had the read on but I didn't care, I wanted him to know I was mad. He shouldn't have done that and expected me to do nothing. So I just went onto instagram without replying.

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