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Larkbounce: "You guys have hobbies?"

"Taking care of these dorks is a damn hobby."
Tomas didn't hesitate to mutter, before crossing his arms and sighing quietly.
"...Other than that, spending time alone, playing Samara, maybe..." he mumbled, 'Samara' referring to his guitar.

Torsion pouted a little and was biting on the inside of his cheek.
"I am not a dork." he defended, being a little sensitive, he glanced back at the question and smiled a little.

"...Hobbies are things people do out of pleasure, and there many things I tend to do...for pleasure." He explained a little vaguely, and left that as his answer.

Edd glanced at Torsion questionably, before back at you.
"...Do, books and drawings count as hobbies? At least my version of it-"

"Counting my money...My mirrors...Certainly my mirrors, oh, and maybe hanging out with my friends..? If that counts..?" Mattie quickly interrupted Ederek with a list of things and stiffened up a bit.
"..I feel like I'm forgetting something-"

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