~ 1.06 ~

18 8 15

"//Heeeeey Hellucard-

What do you like most about Edesion? And Ederek-

Why do you like the angry boyo- also Pau and Pat; how are ya? :0\\"

The canadian's expression nearly lit up at the sight of the readers, but then calmed down with a small blush and he grinned a bit. "..He's so precious, he has to be protected, there ain't no other way dude-" He mumbled off pretty fast, Pau and Patt just staring at him slightly confused.

Ederek sighed quietly, narrowing his eyes at Hellucard and tilting his head a little before arching an eyebrow at the readers. He shrugged his shoulders a little, "...He's..Kind of mysterious, to me, at least." He mumbled as a compliment, "..He's like some grumpy kitty, but it's more than that.." he thought to himself and fell silent.

Pau waved slightly, sliding one hand in his pocket. "..Well, I'm pretty good today, so far." he muttered.

Patt crossed his arms and nodded in response. "..Same, fornow-" He emphasized.

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