~ 0.78 ~

18 5 10

"Ederek you're shipped with EM!Tord now-"

The brunette turned to face the reader with an arched eyebrow, the male briefly moving one of his brown-haired strands from the front of his face.

"..Uh, who is 'EM'?" He mumbled out. In the distance, a guy with a navy blue trench-coat and "void-eyes" walked out holding his phone and said, "Isn't that that 'Tordin' guy?" he assumed.

This causing Ederek to fall quiet and eye's widened, the male having a small tint of blushing, him now turning over to leave for whatever reason.

"...What's gotten into him?" Surely, Tomas didn't know what that meant, then thought to himself as he read the question. "...This reminds me of that one ask where I was supposedly shipped with this, 'Tamara', person.." he crossed his arms and strided away.

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