~ 0.17 ~

19 8 4

"Lock Ederek in a room full of needles
Barricade Tomas in a closet
Trap Torison in a room full of animatronics and mannequins
Set Mattie in a forest with clowns
All separated from each other

because why not."


/Dare to be done-

Edderek held his breath in, almost every side of the room he found himself in was cornered in some type of needle, this must of been what hell appeared like to him. He winced violently, refusing to sit anywhere and simply stand in the secluded area he felt was safe, he couldn't take it, rushing towards the backdoor and banging on it multiple times, screaming for anybody even if it wasn't his friends to help.

He felt his blood rushing cold, and his heart beats steadily increase as all he could notice now were the walls. The freaking walls, more so terrified of this sinking feeling that they were gonna crush him inside and hurried to try to unlock it from the inside, in which his efforts were futile as trying to figure out who did this in the first place.

He didn't care if they were real, or fake, or whatnot. The fact that he couldn't differentiate that with these things made his hair stand on end, he held himself, a small whimper softly escaping as he tried to not meet any of the mannequins gazes.

"....AAAAAHHHHH!" Mattie yelled out in a time of absolute terror, scooting away hastily on the ground as he shakily stood up and began to run away, ignoring the clowns with creepy make-up and currently running through the forest. Not too certain on how he got there, or most of all why.

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