~ 0.69 ~ (shizzz)

21 9 9

"She gave an awkward cough, looking at the 4. "I propose a dare. You are to act as your opposite counterpart for at least 5 dares, then you may go back if you choose." Nodding, she walked away, putting headphones on her head."

Ederek arched an eyebrow, a firm book placed in one of his hands. "..'Opposite'? I...Have no clue what you mean." He lowly replied, turning to face the other three men before him.

"That sounds, kinda retarded." Tomas mumbled back, tints of confusion lacing around in his voice, he crossed his arms.

Torsion blinked a couple times, not knowing how to respond to any of this, except by shrugging and falling silent

Mattie didn't understand this either, a small sweat drop running down the side of his face as he tilted his head a bit, before finally beginning to say something.

"Say, Whaaaa-"

He was abruptly cut off, the snapping of fingers being heard in the distance and a wave of aura surrounding all of them, before things slowly began to change.


Ederek had woke up first, a couple of spirals being dazed into his eyes as he had awoken slightly dizzy, regaining his consciousness, he shook his head fiercely and tried stand up.

"Holy shit, was that a dream-" He mumbled out in the open, an extended hand reaching him by Tomas. "

..I don't know what that was, but atleast it's over. Ey, are you alright, Ed?' the void-eyed male lazily mumbled, rubbing his right eye with his free-hand, Ederek took his hand and stood up. The two now involving in a small conversation.

Torsion strided up, feeling more unease as he went through the same thing and couldn't tell where it came from, not focusing too much, he accidentally bumped into Mattie, now glancing up at the male.

"..Sorry, uh-" Torsion was caught off with a short glare, and the norski kept his ground, seeing it lighten up a little.

The shining orbs of the taller male gleamed towards Torsion, and the male lightly scoffed and crossed his arms, paying no attention. He eventually walked out of the room without much of a care. Torsion simply sighed a bit and waved the male away to his own business.

(0/5 OppositeDay! Asks/Dares)

//this is gud idea so start asking these slightly dysfunctional boyos.


Three men hid away somewhere in the background, both said men with their mouths agape, and another one of them saying, "Wotthehell-" in an Canadian accent.

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