~ 0.98 ~

13 6 5

"Casino music intensifies

Aka I dare everyone to go to a casino"

The sounds of chips being stacked and multiple people conversating slash brewing arguments were flooding the casino itself, making a certain void-eyed male cringe whilst it seemed like everybody else was out for themselves tonight instead of staying in order like it should of been. The thought of it causing the chestnut-haired male to sigh in annoyance, striding over towards where Mattie was waving and chanting for himself as he tried to win even more money out here.

Finding a place that he could call comfortable, and not too near any of the random and weird citizens that also occupied this area, he sat next to Mattie and watched everything being delt. Since tonight was also the anniversary of the casino being opened, or as Laurie had explained it as being, drinks were also passed out towards old and new-comers on this celebratory day. This leading to either certain people getting drunk as heck while trying to play a game, or being able to conceal their sanity with only a few swigs here and there. Either way, tonight was going mad.

In a glance of a nearby corner it looked like Tory was getting flirted on, and while the norski probably had indulged in this length of attention, he also didn't seem too pleased and left the person standing.

Ederek was sitting near a table across from Tomas' and Mattie's, the male at first slightly teased for not playing, until he went along and decided to play at least one game. The brunette winning half of what was rewarded.

Tomas didn't seem so enlightened to be here, eyeing the drinks at the side for a moment and contemplating whether or not it was good to drink it. While Mattie was having the time of his life.

Hellucard got into a small argument with somebody in the casino, which won over Pau and Patt's attention as Laurie questioned why she chose these three as best friends of hers. Note, that a brawl almost managed to start.

//Dare completed(?)

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