~ ShortChap 0.1/0.23 ~

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All around the apartment was a sort of uncomfortable feeling, almost similar to that of dread, everybody was in their respective rooms and not mumbling a peep out of what happened when they were "gone", per se. Edderek was busy twiddling with his thumbs, not giving a single gaze to anybody around him, he had fallen completely silent, and to a certain self-indulget hair-horned male it was kinda unsettling.

The crimson eyed individual not knowing much to say, or anything at all, but he remembered hearing Tomas say it was best to leave Derek along when he was like this, Torsion sighed, and strided out of the boy's room. His mind now racing to where Tomas possibly was, sure he sometimes despised the male, but he also was concerned about the ol'blue.

Mattie was busy sulking in his own bedroom, memories still reminscing about about the uneasy stare from the ironically smiling clowns, and how that expression just warmed it's way inside him, he couldn't get it off his mind so easily, but he was steadily trying, lifting up a mirror with a shaky hand he observed it, and it made him feel a little better about himself. He hoped it did, anyways.

Eventually, the three boys came out of their seclusion, and still decided not to tell anybody, but they all made one unanimous decision to search for Tomas, and maybe save him from whatever hell he got himself into. Surprisingly, it didn't take way too long.


*walks over and unlocks the door for Tomas*

you poor poor soul,,

you did not fail, but instead, found a new way to never tell people your fears."

Tomas hardly could hear what the person spoke to him, mostly because when the door cracked open by it's hinges the male collapsed immediately onto the floor, not waking up for a moment, he still had a beating pulse, he just couldn't last there standing for too much longer.

"TOMAS..!" A male clearly yelled, from the small group of three that practically ran in a marathon to get to the fainted void-eyed adult in time, all kneeling down when they got to him in time.

//Not all that angsty but just enough, maybe??

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