~ Random 5️⃣ ~

27 7 9

when the gang is high.

Tomas: This is fine.

(Domenick is singing "Wolf" by EXO in an unusual manner, Ederek is trying to disregard himself from the group, with no luck. Patt and Pau are no where to be found, Mattie is watching Tory trying to dance with horror on his face. A spell went wrong on Jon's side, Markham kinda wants to die, and Eduardo is just laughing.)

Tomas: /ahem/

Tomas: T h i s i s n o t f i n e


Torsion: Is he /still/ playing that competitive app chess game?

Patton: How did you know?

(A thin mumble of "gotchubinch" viberated against the walls again)

????: Domenick, how long are you gonna keep playing that?

(BTS - No, Not Today is playing in the background)

Domenick: For as long as I want, Laurie! Besides, it isn't bad.

Laurie: I never said it was bad, maybe if you stopped it from blasting in my ear I could withstand it.

Domenick: (twisted smile appears and random chuckling)

Laurie: C'mon man, my ear-drums are suffering over here.


Torsion: I don't think I've ever seen Ederek get mad before...

Tomas: Oh, it has happened.

Mattie: ....Really?


Person: Books still suck.

(A sound of a book swiftly crossing the air and banging into something/somebody was heard, alongside other things both audible and not)

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