~ 1.11 ~

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I dare Tom and Tord to read some Torm/TomTord! >:)"

The heart-imprinted male rubbed his arm for a moment, honestly confusion had befell upon him and he no idea what was so significant about this. Tomas raised an eyebrow at the readers and crossed his arms, "..TomTord? What...What even /is/ that?" his question sounded similar to a hiss.

"Maybe it's fanfiction...?" Ederek mumbled in the background, this making Tomas lose hope somehow.

"I am not taking my chances." Tomas stated, and Tory simply shrugged his shoulders.

"It wouldn't hurt to find out, would it?" Tory muttered back, and soon narrowed his eyebrows. "...Or are you just scared?' he darkly spoken, and Tomas rolled his "eyes"

"Forget it, I'm not gonna waste my time on that." He murmured again. Meanwhile, Hellucard had chuckled in the corner, having some kind of an idea.


After minutes of talking Tomas into the idea, (and even Tory at some point due to him falling hopeless with it). Domenock had pulled up his laptop and showed the two of them a fanfic of what was apparently "TomTord".

Minutes in, Tomas was questioning where any of this was leading and then stayed uncomfortably silent the rest of the way. Tory had changing facial expressions throughout, one not telling whether he found this odd or hilarious to him.

Soon, the sound of the laptop screen being closed was heard and followed by mumbles of curses and other coherent noises. Tomas was facepalming while quietly spouting, "Nopenopenopenopenope-" repeatedly. Tory just staring shocked, and Domenick having the time of his life and bursting out into laughter.

That sneaky Hellucard.

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