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"Hey everyone, notice anyone missing-?


The chestnut-haired male placed an intimidating stare around the three people who were here now, well of course it was three. Tomas sighed with annoyance and facepalmed. "Goddamit, why the hell does this keep happening..." He complained.

Tord had his attention snapped between both Tomas and Mattie, he started chewing on the inside of his cheek for a moment before speaking. "How many times /has/ this happened..?" He questioned, clicking his tongue a bit.

Mattie began to slowly count on his fingers as he thought about it out loud. "Well...Torsion was nabbed by some 'Davey' person...Ederek I have no clue..Me by, I forgot whom.." He paused a little, "..And Tomas' opposite by the same person as me I believe." He muttered, stiffening up a little.

Tord glanced over towards Tomas and arched an eyebrow. "The only person somebody hasn't nabbed is you." he murmured out, chuckling in slight triumph before spilling out a discrete "Lucky" in this distance.

Tomas narrowed his eyebrows and sighed again. "Let's just try to get Ederek back."

"What about Tomatian?" Mattie acknowledged.

Tomas huffed for a minute, recognizing the small difficulty in thid very moment. Despite not liking the male who was his 'opposite' if that made any sense. He also didn't mind his presence, as long as it wasn't annoying, like it sometimes was in his book.

"...Him too."

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