|~ Pau and Pat ~|

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Paulin Troford

Pau is an old friend of Torsion, and doesn't exactly have a suit imprinted on him, in fact, neither him nor Patton have one. Pau normally is respectful of Torsion, despite questioning his antics most of the time. He is lowkey sarcastic, and isn't that reliable when it comes to following orders the right way. Nonetheless he gets the job done. Is pretty good at chess.

•His signature style is slightly bushy-eyebrows, a leather jacket, and a small black strand of hair•

Patton Drefcinski

Patton is also a close friend of Torsion, who also doesn't have a suit imprint of some sorts. Patton is pretty loyal to Torsion, but also doesn't understand his self-indulgent antics. He takes a huge interest in space, usually is seen as a matching pair to Pau, whose like a cousin to him. He has a rather strong Polish accent, and can be extremely overprotective if necessary

°Signature style is a small strand of white hair, an ivory sweater with a collar, and casual boots°

//Kinda just based Patton and Paulin off chess pawns instead of cards-

//These guys have been added to the ones you can ask/dare!!

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