~ 1.17 ~

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"Admin pushed a smol Neko Matthiasan to Torison, a Neko Eddisan to Tomas, and Admin becomes a Neko just for the sake of it, smiling up at Ederek and Mattie. "You all have personal nekos, what are you going to do?"

Tory was practically confused at the sight of Matthiasan, at first, before he started getting use to petting the smol neko and beginning to praise what almost like his s o n as a kitten. "Yep this totally isn't weird." Torison mumbled to himself with a sweat drop.

Tomas didn't know how to react either, but got lost in examining the blonde male with neko ears and he started to pet him. He already had way too many clashing and colliding feelings, but for now he was nonchalant, a small smile made it to his face before he tried to force it to fade. "..Cute." He murmured.

Mattie and Ederek glanced at each other, than at the Admin, than back at each other again confuzzled.

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