~ 1.20 ~

17 5 1

"//injured ginger
Matto stumbled up, a black mark on his freckled face, and In one hand, the ginger clutched a metal bat, in which had a few splatters of the same red liquid trailing from the edge of his cracked lips that curved into a weak frown. "Hey,,," His voice was deprived of its usual pep and cheer like his lavender eyes, his knees then buckled under him and he collapsed to the floor. The bat clattering loudly to the ground, a bit more blood spluttering out of his mouth as he coughed and curled up, clutching his stomach.

//don't mind me just making my way down town-"

The group had just stood there dumb-founded for a moment, Mattie squinting his eyes at the person who dropped on the floor and nearly let out a high-pitched screech as he slightly recognized the face. Tomas had been on the defensive the whole time, a silver-tinted sword clutched in his right hand as his first glance went to the bat and he automatically assumed danger, lowering his guard as the male collapsed on the ground.

Ederek gulped lightly, his lip quivering for a bit as he saw the disturbing sight. "..Oh my god..." were the few words he sputtered out, striding closer towards him, the rest of the guys doing the same.

//making this the first future! related ask lol-

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