~ 1.22 ~

12 3 2

"*pours pink glitter on them all*

making my way downtown
walking fast
*hears yelling*,

walking faster-"

Tomas cringed deeply as he glared down at his outfit, and hair, and practically everything around him was now covered in sort of pink flashy glitter, it disgusted him as he cussed underneath his breath and glowered at the person who poured it.

Ederek's mouth went agape as he arched an eyebrow and couldn't fathom what had happened in a second. "..I'm..Gonna go take a shower, now.." Edd just slowly went back to his room.

Mattie was steadily wiping the glitter off of him as he winced at how they appeared on his clothes and skin, eventually leaving to do the same thing as Ederek.

"Yeah, you should /walk faster/." Tory lightly threatened at him, staring at the glitter blankly and shaking his head, he groaned softly and sighed a bit.

//3/5 Future!SuitsWorld Asks/Dares//

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