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candyhearts573 : "A young ginger walked up to Tori, a look of fatigue and slight regret written on his small face. Not seeing his way, he bumped into a pair of legs. Looking up, he faced a male with horn-like hair wearing a checkered red vest. "O-Oh....sorry......." He mumbled tiredly.
//Child! Matthiasan :p" 

The taller male flinched, feeling something hit both his twin legs as he snapped his attention around, bright crimson eyes meeting down at the young ginger, almost angered. He cocked an eyebrow at the young boy, calming down his negative reactions and crossed his arms, a dark smile as a greeting to him.

"..There's no problem, kid." he trailed off and kneeled down to his height, extending a hand for him to shake.

".....Hei der," he greeted in his language.

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