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25 6 12

This was practically unanimous so why not.

Future Vers.


After winning over control of Bing's casino, the male feels slightly comfortable in his line of power, and manipulative than most. He's still a little sensual, but most of it has disappeared and he doesn't keep the same ties with his group anymore, Tomas and Tory at slight odds now. It's unknown whether or not his imprint had any effect on this side of him, but he tries to keep his sensitive emotions a lot more on the down-low.


Still keeps ties with most of his "friends" despite losing contact or care with one steadily over time. He's a little more like how his father was, and is over-protective as heck. This time, he has no qualms with drinking and is slightly cold around people.


This boy has grown to be a bit the same as his younger side, but is kinda absent-minded. In spite of breaking ties with who Tory is now, he's pretty neutral about the whole thing and doesn't budge. However, he can't stand being in a tight space for an amount of time, this bringing up a new type of sealed fear that he doesn't want to bring up around others.


Although half of the time accompanying the casino, Mattie hides away most of his growing self-depreciation by trying to scatter himself around things with value. He keeps on to his mirrors like a good-luck charm, he's more greedy than usual. However, he keeps his optimistically outlook, whether for just himself, or others, is to be seen.

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