~ 0.47 ~

19 6 2

-mumbles- I've seen this work in a anime...... -grabs a rolled up sleeping bag and grabs a piece of paper and draws Tord's face on it and tapes it on there and rolls the sleeping bag to everyone-"

The brunette cocked an eyebrow, leaning down and grabbing the sleeping bag with both hands as narrowed his pale green eyes as he stared at it, Tomas and Mattie also glancing at it.

Mattie didn't know what to say, "..This is....Pretty cool..?" he awkwardly mumbled, "..I mean, getting past the..Um."

"It looks like a decrepit body pillow.." Tomas followed, his tone slightly lowering as he stared it.

"...Yeah, this isn't gonna work." Ederek stated, and the two boys nodded along, before Mattie decided to hold the body pillow.

"..But! We can still keep it, at least for Torsi, right?" Mattie had a questionable smile on his face, as if he didn't know if Torsion would even like this or not. Tomas coughed a bit in his fist, and Derek simply sighed.

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