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"The young Brit ran over to Tori, looking up at him. "Torison-" he paused, noticing the older males distraught demeanor and looked around, seeing a bunch of mannequins. Seeing that they were the cause of his new friends fear, he frowned, taking them out the room, struggling a bit though. When he was done, Matthiasan looked at Torison with worried eyes. "Are you ok now?"

//The child cares :))"

The male had a mildly terrified expression, learning how to bypass his fear a little by not making eye-contact with the mannequins, but he still was trying to find a way out of here. His attention snapped over to Matthiasan moving the mannequins, and he lifted an eyebrow in shock, seeing that the way out was blocked by one of them. He glanced over at the boy, and a small smile crept up on his face as he ruffled his hair and smirked.

"...You didn't have to do that for me, Sveninn." his nickname for the boy was the Old Norwegian word for "Lad", falling silent, he pulled him into a small hug.

"....Thanks." he mumbled.

//Torsion is now out of his fear room, possibly a good dad, and traumatized for the next three asks!

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