~ 0.32 ~

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"I know this is a weird time to ask but.. all of you, question. Would it be a good idea to detonate a nuclear bomb that is inside a giant robot whilst inside the head of it? Because I can't get Matthias, Matthew, nor my own father to answer! I just really want to know..." the Polish leader grumbled, his arms crossed over his yellow clad chest and his brows knitted together in frustration. His silver-green eyes wandered over the six males before him."

Tomas narrowed his eyes, his aura becoming lightly intimidating by this approach from whoever this man was, but he kinda looked familiar. Tomas relaxed, and let out a soft sigh, uncrossing his arms. "..None of us here are mechanical experts, and besides that's kinda...an odd question." he explained.

Torsion swept a strand of his chestnut-hair in front of his face to the side, before it fell back into it's place the second later.
He paused for a minute, and sighed a bit. "Sorry dearie, similar to those 'pals' of yours, I can't grasp this question at all," he shrugged a little.

Mattie blinked a little, too busy trying to understand what his question was asking like a math word problem, before he shook his head. "So, do you, like, wanna bomb yourself right /inside/ the giant robot? Or..." he couldn't wrap his mind around it.

Ederek glanced at the other's attempts to answer this, and cocked an eyebrow at them, straightening up his slightly slouched posture and now facing the Polishman.
"....Yes..?" he suddenly answered, not knowing too well for sure, but unlike the others he just wanted to give off a clear, simple answer.

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