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"If Tom kisses Tord I'll give you guys ten Norwegians dollars each"

Tomas stood by reading the question, not much as cringing at what it was asking, but squinted his 'eyes' trying to understand the rest of the sentence.
"....'Ten Norwegians Dollars'..? he queried.

"The dearie must mean 'Krones', we don't have dollars." Torsion's slick accent rolled off the sentence, then he continued. "..We would have to convert regular dollars to Krones instead."

Matt glanced at everyone and the question itself, making him facepalm in annoyance. "Oh god, is this gonna be math-"

A book was heard slamming shut as Ederek walked off into the room, beginning to cross his arms after a small sigh.
"Due to the fact that Krone is an entirely different currency in general, ten dollars could easily be 78. 8680. in that country."

"...How exactly did you figure /that/ out..?"

Ederek only shrugged, "...It's conversion, right?"

"Wow Derek, you are smart.."

"Geezus christ, what did I start..." Tomas complained and shook his head.

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