~ 1.08 ~

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"What do you guys think about PranksWorld?"


omas narrowed his eyes at the question, later gazing back up at the readers as he scoffed lightly and crossed his arms. "..I wouldn't recommend them coming here," He mumbled softly, opened his once closed voided eye. "...However, as long as they're not uncontained and troublesome, they'll be fine." He stated.

Ederek shrugged his shoulders, messing with his black glasses for a momwnt as he glanced at you. "..Eh, what Tomas said, I guess..?" He muttered.

"...How about you guys?" Ederek glanced to the other two in the room.

Tory and Mattie were busy awkwardly conversating with one another, a sweat-drop dripping down their heads as they wondered if this was gonna end well.


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