~ 0.70 ~

18 7 2

"Thord walks up to Tord and shoves a fairly large shaped bag of assorted heart-shaped candy in his arms"

Torsion winced a little, getting pushed back slightly by the immediate shoving before he glanced downward and saw what was shoved for him. A pile of chocolate heart-shaped candies, stuttering continuously as he glanced up Thord and back at the candies, not expecting such a gift, the male continued to blush madly.

"...Hey! Why don't we get a gift..?" Ederek had a nerve to mutter out, only to get punched slightly in the arm by Mattie, he groaned softly and rubbed his arm as he fell silent.

Tomas only giggled lazily, holding a flask in his hand as he tilted his head a bit at the duo, might be just a /little/ drunk.

(1/5 OppositeDay! Asks/Dares)

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