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"Oh no Tori check him he might be tramatized?"

"W-What am I supposed to do...!?" Torsion muttered out, mildly confused on how he was going to help him out, but was also freakish out mentally when he saw the fainted man.

The brunette checked around Tomas' body, mostly around his neck area. "..He's still breathing." the male reassured, meanwhile it seemed like Mattie was gonna go on and dramatically faint himself from all this, but he didn't.

"...He's probably gonna try to kill the person who did this, but that's pretty normal." Derek also added on.

Tomas had remained still, it could of been seen as comfortable if he was just on a bed, and not on the cold ground flooring. A peek from one of his voided eyes finally lifted, and the male launched up from his resting area and was quickly looking back and forth, spewing out random curse words as the three men went to comfort him.


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