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opinion on the ODDs??

Markham, Jonas, Eduard, how are you all??"

"...Kinda surprised with my counterpart's 'perverted' audacity, but...Nobody judges a book, not until it's read." Tomas vaguely muttered and shrugged, basically saying he was neutral about Thomathan.

Tory was kinda surprised, to say the least, with how his counterpart was as it showed in his expression slightly. "He is...Interesting-" He mumbled, before chuckling lightly and normal-like. "..Now that I think about it..I did meet him before, somewhat, too bad we almost died, though.." He spoke his thoughts out loud as he was now curious.

"Wait- that really happened..?!" Ederek replied in shock to Tory, before shaking his head and returning to his own counterpart opinion afterwards. "..Well, Eduan sounds pretty cool. I..wouldn't mind meeting him, or listening to his singing of course."

Mattie was too busy pouting and he looked slightly sullen. "..Matian shouldn't be so sad about himself, I mean, I bet he has a lot of things that matter to him, right..?" He mumbled, and shrugged lightly. "..I think he's..Nice? I bet's he's a good guy."


Eduard clicked his tongue for a moment, lazily spread out somewhere before he glanced upwards at you and stopped himself from zoning out. "I'm fine, now get out." He muttered immediately, kinda surprised that somebody noticed him and questioned that, but hid it well.

"Eduard, please don't be so rude." Mark hissed.

Markham sighed quietly, turning to the reader and giving a light smile. "..I'm fine, thank you." he mumbled.

Jon was holding onto a book of random acquired information and sorts, he was staring at the others for a moment and then shrugged a little, he was rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm alright! Thanks for asking..!"

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